Dear mom

Dear mom

It has been a long time

How have you been? Are you well?

Have you gotten used to the new apartment yet?

Are you happy with your new husband?


Politeness here and politeness there

I really don't need to ask those questions, I already know the answers

You are struggling, just like you always have been

I struggle too, but in a different way than you


I miss you

I really shouldn't tell you that

I really shouldn't write to you at all

But I am doing it anyway and I am not going to regret it


What happened back then?

How did we get here?

So far away from each other

Like strangers to each other


You carried me inside you for nine months

Hated me in each and everyone of them

Not because you didn't want me

But because you knew you couldn't take care of me


You loved me with all your heart

At least whenever your heart allowed you to

And I became what you needed

Without thinking about what it did to me


On your bad days I became your strength

On your good days, your best friend

And on the days where you needed someone to blame

I became that person too


That is the reason I left you, ran away with the tail between my legs, like a coward

I know what it did to you

That it hurt you, broke you

But even still, it was necessary


I know you don't understand, you never will

But I love you in spite of that

There you go, I said it again. But what can I do?

When all comes to all, you still are


My mom

Please leave a comment down below and let me know your thoughts on this poem!

Love, Annalise~

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