A life of patterns

My life is a string of patterns,

Neatly made up of categories and lists,

Having a box to fit everything into.


I rely on my schedule,

I cling to it for my dear life,

Using it to strive towards perfection every day.


No mistakes allows,

Only allowed to say "yes",

My schedule grows more full with each day that passes by.


10 strings in one hand,

10 strings in the other,

I tell myself I'll be able to balance it all,

I tell myself to just pull through,

Always keeping a smile on my face.


My hands are getting tired.

A string slips through my grip

And my schedule falls apart in front of my eyes.


Like dominoes, one string takes the other

And one by one, my world crashes before me.


How am I supposed to live?

I am nothing without my patterns.

I am nothing without my schedules.

Without them, my life is chaos.

Without them, my life is unpredictable.


But then I realized,

That is how life is.

Please leave a comment down below and let me know your thoughts on this poem!

Love, Annalise~

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