"So, what outfit did you chose in the end?" Julie said through the speaker of my phone which was lying on the bed.

"Outfit number 3," I replied while checking my hair in the mirror.

"Of course you chose that outfit, it has your lucky pants in it," Julie said as if I was the most predictable person in the world.

"These pants has helped me score all the good grades through school and I wore it to my last job interview as well and I got that job."

"...And got fired from it."

"Julie, seriously?"

"What? It's true!" Julie said, "I was just thinking you could try choosing something else for a change. Isn't that what all this is about? A change?" I let out a sigh as I looked myself up and down in the mirror.

"Alright then Miss Stylist, which outfit should I choose instead?"

"Outfit number 2! That skirt looks perfect on you, it really highlights your waist. And with the white shirt with polka dots it just gives off a fun yet professional look. Oh and you should have your hair up, your face looks better with your hair up."

"Okay chill out woman!" I said after hearing Julie rant for almost 15 minutes about what my best features were and how to highlight them, "I'll choose outfit number 2 and don't worry, I already did my hair. And I put on some earrings too. Those I got from you in gold."

"Perfect!" Julie said, "I can almost see it inside my head how stunningly you look."

"Yeah Yeah, now leave me alone, I'm suddenly short on time because I have to change into a new outfit."

"You'll make it don't worry," Julie said with the same carefree voice as ever, "alright call me later, bye!"


I quickly changed into the outfit Julie suggested and even though I wasn't much for admitting it, I did look more mature and professional in it. I looked like a grown up woman. Something I hadn't been able to completely identify myself as yet.

It was a strange thing, growing up I mean. When you turn 18 you're legally an adult. You can drive, you can buy a house, you can get married and you can have kids. All your life you're treated as a child and then one day you're just suddenly supposed to be an adult? What if you aren't ready for that responsibility yet? Do you have a choice, or do you just get thrown out into the world, no safety net underneath, with everyone around you simply expecting you to know how to take care of everything.

I looked at myself in the mirror one more time. 25 year and I still didn't completely feel like an adult, and that wasn't something a new skirt or a fancy hairstyle could fix.

My phone suddenly vibrated on my bed and I saw the notification from my calendar saying it was time to leave. My thoughts seemed to have taken up more of my time than I thought, so I hurried to my door and grabbed my leather bag just before leaving my apartment and locking the door behind me.

"Well well well," I heard a voice say behind me, "someone is looking real fine today."

"Is that so, Jae," I said as I turned around, "then how do I look the other days? Like crap?"

"Wow, would you just take the compliment Monique?" Jae said, slightly annoyed.

"You're right, thank you," I said since I didn't have time to tease him right now.

"But where are you going in that outfit? On a date?"

"Me? A date?" I said and burst out laughing. I was interrupted when I heard the creaking sound of a door and saw Yoongi appear behind Jae.

"What? You're a sweet girl and a pretty one too," Jae said, making me blush from his sudden sweet-talking.

"Thank you again, but no I'm not going on a date," I said in a more serious tone, "I'm going to a job interview."

"Oh good luck!" Jae said with a big smile on his face, "I'm sure it'll go well, you are dressed perfectly for a job interview."

"Really? Well I have Julie to thank for that," I said and then noticed how Yoongi was watching our conversation, probably not able to understand a single word as we were speaking in Danish.

"What do you think, Yoongi? Do I look good enough?" Jae quickly translated for me and Yoongi suddenly seemed much more flustered than before. Then he just shrugged his shoulders and gave a look that said "I don't really care". I felt a little offended but before I had a change to say anything, Jae interrupted me.

"Now don't get offended, that's just how Yoongi is. If he doesn't say anything then it means you look good."

"Really?" I said and looked suspiciously at Yoongi.

"Really!" Jae said, "now hurry up our you'll be late."

"I'm going, I'm going!" I said while running down the stairs and out of the door. My spirit was high and I was filled with energy, passion flew through my veins as I made my way down to the courthouse.


I was texting my mom and Julie on the way home from my interview as both of them had sent me hundreds of messages, asking a million questions about how things went. I simply replied, I thought it went well and everyone seemed sweet and the atmosphere was good. 

But in reality, I almost couldn't get my arms down. It went a million times better than I had expected from a first interview. We just clicked. We talked much longer than the applicants before me and we even laughed and cracked jokes with each other. I would never say it out loud, as my pride didn't allow that, but I had a wonderful feeling about this.

I walked through the door of my apartment, happily humming a little melody I had thought of on the way home. It was like, one of those melodies that belonged in a really old Danish movie. One of those movies where everyone lives in the country and walks around singing to the sound of birds chirping.

With that picture in my head, it didn't take long before I sat down by the piano and started playing the melody. I slowly converted all the feelings in my heart into chords and melodies I played happily on the piano. My fingers nearly hopped from one key to the other, dancing all across the piano.

That's when I heard it, like an echo from the other side of the room. He was playing along with me, keeping up with this weird, happy and playful tune I composed out of the blue. And just like that, we both played alongside each other, allowing every happy feeling to be converted into this little song that made my heart dance inside my chest.

Hello everyone!

We are halfway through this short story and I hope you are enjoying it. I didn't give much thought to it back when I was writing it. I just went with the flow and had fun, and I seemed to be a success since a lot of people enjoyed it.

This story's success is probably the reason I decided to write "Noona You're So Pretty!" in the first place. I'm enjoying these types of stories a lot more than I knew I would, so I hope you all like it as well.

Leave a comment down below and let me know what you think.

Love, Annalise~

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