
“Alright people, that’s all for today’s lecture,” said the female professor and looked around the hall full of students. “Don’t forget that your project in art history is due tomorrow. Make sure to turn it in on time.”

“Yes, Professor,” said most of the students, while the rest were already busy packing up their things, Iyori being one of them.

“Hey, Iyori.” 

Iyori looked up when she heard a female voice speak and she saw her fellow art student standing next to her.

“What’s up, Yuri,” said Iyori and got up, swinging her back across her shoulder.

“Do you want to get together tonight and have a drink with some of the other students?” asked Yuri while they started walking to the entrance of the lecture hall. “Also... if you’re up for it, we can study together in the library until then.”

“I’m sorry, it sounds like fun,” said Iyori and slammed her hands together in an apologetic manner. “But I have my part time job now and then I’m meeting up with some old classmates from my High School tonight.”

“Ah, is that so,” said Yuri and scratched her head a bit. “Another time?”

“Definitely!” said Iyori. “I’ll see you later.”

After Yuri was out of sight, Iyori went to a nearby bathroom and quickly changed her clothes from her plain everyday-wear, into a cute pink dress and a matching cardigan. She threw her sneakers in a bag and put on a pair of high heels instead. She felt a little unsteady in them at first, but she quickly adjusted. 

After gathering all her things, she went to a locker and put her things inside, only keeping her bag with her, whereafter she locked everything away and left the campus.

While walking down the streets, she took out her phone and looked at the notifications visible.

“Mr. Ueda is requesting a date.”

“...and accept!” clicked Iyori with joy, whereafter she waited to receive the specifications of their meeting place. Once she got them, she started walking towards it in a fast pace.

It was a lovely late-summer day. Maybe they could take a walk in the park or enjoy some ice cream together? At least she hoped he wouldn’t take her to some fancy dining place, afterall she had dinner plans with her friends later in the evening and she wanted a big appetite for that.

Upon reaching their designated meeting place, Iyori looked around to see if she could spot any young man who looked a little lost and confused, but there was no such man anywhere to be seen.

Then suddenly, she felt a pat on her shoulder and she turned around with a big smile on her face, only to have it fade when she saw the person in front of her.

“Shuya?” said Iyori in surprise. “What are you doing here? What– No you need to leave, I’m waiting for my date, it’ll look bad if you’re here.”

“Iyori, I'm your date,” said Shuya and Iyori raised an eyebrow.

“But the app said ‘Mr. Ueda’? Are you–”

“Yeah I created a fake profile, how else is my girlfriend gonna make time for me?”

“But... we’re seeing each other later tonight?”

“Yes with everyone else, I want some alone time too,” said Shuya and diverted his eyes, both his and Iyori’s cheeks turning a little redder.

“Fine... I guess we can go on a date,” said Iyori. “As long as you pay and give me a good rating!”

“Haven’t I always?” asked Shuya and held out his hand to Iyori, which she quickly took in hers, whereafter they walked down the street.

“You know,” said Shuya while walking. “Some would say you use me for the money.”

“In that case, you’re letting yourself be used.”

“If you say so,” said Shuya and let out a sigh. “Alright, what do you want to do?”

“Ice cream!” said Iyori and looked at Shuya with shooting starts in her eyes, making him chuckle.

“Sounds good.”


“I still don’t understand how you can take a job like that again, after everything that happened,” said Keiko and downed another glass.

“Keiko is right,” said Mei and looked at Iyori in concern. “You should be more careful, what if you meet another Tomoki?”

“Don’t worry guys, I’m being careful,” said Iyori. “It’s just that the pay is so good and also... I can do it well. I have to earn money somehow, I don’t want my parents to pay both my tuition and my rent. I have to do something.”

“Then work in a café or a subway or something,” said Keiko. “Like normal people!”

“I’m not normal, though,” said Iyori.

“Hello!” the voice of a cheerful young girl made all four look up and they saw Noriko and Yusuke arrive together, hands linked.

“Wow wow wow,” said Shuya and pointed at their hands, which quickly made them draw away from each other. “What’s going on here?”

“Yeah, they’re a couple now,” said Keiko, as if it was old news.

“What... how... when...?” said Shuya. “Why haven’t you told me?”

“You’re always so busy!” said Yusuke and sat down next to Shuya. “I guess after you two left, we had more time for each other without having to deal with all your drama.”

“Still as funny as ever, I see,” said Shuya. “But I guess I’ll give you my congratulations.”

“Yes, congratulations,” said Iyori and looked at Noriko who sat down next to her.

“Thank you...” said Noriko and looked at away, a little shy.

“Alright, now that everyone is here, we can finally order!” said Keiko and raised her hands in joy. Everyone quickly joined in and they started ordering a wide variety of things from the menu.

The night went on while they continued to stuff their faces and talked about everything going on in their lives. Yusuke and Keiko had just started University as well, while Noriko had started her third year in High School. Even though a few people had joined the art club, she said it still felt a little lonely without the rest of them there. 

Later on, when no one seemed to be able to eat even one more bite, people started talking about calling it a night and the group soon dissolved.

“Are you taking the bus back to your dorm?” asked Iyori and Shuya nodded.

“Let’s walk to the bus stop together.” While walking, Iyori kept looking at Shuya who had a somewhat fallen look in his eyes. When they were a few streets away from their bus stop, Iyori stopped walking and Shuya looked back at her.

“Is something wrong?” asked Iyori and Shuya diverted his eyes. “Please tell me, you’ve been acting really strange lately. When we text or when we talk, and now you have that sad look on your face.”

“It’s nothing,” said Shuya and tried walking again, but Iyori stayed in the same spot and held onto his hand firmly.

“Just tell me.” 

Shuya let out a sigh and walked back to Iyori until he was standing right in front of her.

“Fine... I’m just... not that fond of you having that job, that’s all.”

“Are you worried about me too? But the thing with Tomoki was a one time thing and it’s all over. He never contacted me again and I’m way more careful now than I used to be. I really keep my distance and–”

“That’s not it,” said Shuya and looked away again. “I know I should be worried about your safety and of course, that I am too... but really... what bothers me the most... is...”

“Shuya?” said Iyori and Shuya looked at her again. “Are you saying you’re jealous?” Shuya’s cheeks suddenly turned beet red and Iyori couldn’t help but laugh.

“What, why are you laughing?” said Shuya. “See, this is why I didn’t want to tell you!”

“I’m sorry, you’re just really cute!”

“Well it doesn’t feel cute to be jealous... it actually feels really awful.” Iyori’s stopped laughing and her smile disappeared. She walked a little closer to Shuya and put her other hand on his as well.

“I’m sorry... you don’t have to worry, really.”

“How can I not? When that is... When that is the way you and I fell in love,” said Shuya and the bold statement surprised Iyori, making her cheeks turn red as well. “I mean, if you and I can fall in love after going on dates like that, how can I be sure you won’t fall in love with another guy you go on dates with?” Shuya stopped talking and looked away, while Iyori looked at him without saying anything.

“If that’s why you’re worried, then you really really have no reason whatsoever,” said Iyori and Shuya looked at her again.

“How so?” asked Shuya.

“The people I date through my work all go on a date with Yuki,” said Iyori and looked deeper into Shuya’s eyes. “You never once went on a date with Yuki. It was only me, Iyori, from the beginning. That’s why we fell in love. Because you met the real me, and I met the real you.”

Hello everyone!

It's over. It's really over! No more. The end.

I really don't know what else to say, just that I had a lot of fun writing this story and it turned out a lot different from what I imagined. But I still enjoyed it. I laughed and I struggled and I wrote... I wrote and wrote and wrote. And now it's over.

So now I can write another book! Please continue to give my stories some love and leave a comment down below to let me know what you're thinking.

Stay safe.

Love, Annalise~

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