Chapter 5

After sunset, when the dark night finally appeared, it could make even the warmest and brightest spring day feel as cold as winter. Walking through the center of Otaru, where every house was placed close to each other and the streets were lit up by the many streetlights, Iyori continued forward, until it became further and further between the streetlights and the harsh wind felt even colder because of the darkness. She internally scolded herself for her choice of clothing and sped up her pace, envisioning her warn and cozy bed, waiting for her in her room. But her feet were dying, slowly being killed by her beautiful high heels, and her body was shivering, making it hard for her to walk fast. But when she saw that only one more corner had to be turned before her dreams could become reality she managed to gather up all of her remaining strength and almost sprinted the rest of the way. 

As quiet as possible, Iyori unlocked the door with the spare key hidden under the mat and after taking the first step inside the house, her body was already overwhelmed by the warmth. Like a ninja in her own home, she slowly took off her coat and shoes, whereafter she locked the door before leaving the entrance. Step one was completed and only step two remained before she could finally be reunited with her bed. But just as that dream was about to become reality, the light in the hallway switched on and Iyori turned around to see her father staring at her with bloodshot eyes. 

“D...Dad...” stuttered Iyori while looking as innocent as possible. “Did I wake you up? I’m sorry, I really tried to be quiet.” 

“Why would you wake me up? We both know I haven’t been asleep,” said Akihito in a low voice, yet filled with anger. “I have been sitting in the living room, waiting for you ever since I came home from work.” 

“Is that so?” said Iyori, incapable of coming up with a better answer. “I’m sorry you had to wait so long.” 

“Your teacher called today,” said Akihito, completely ignoring Iyori’s sad attempt at an apology and instead went straight to business. 

“Did she?” asked Iyori while trying to come up with a solution to get away from the uncomfortable conversation she knew her father would try to have with her. 

“You skipped school today, and from what I understood from miss Nishida, it didn’t even make sense that you bothering showing up at all. You barely stayed for the first period.” 

“Really?” said Iyori coldly, even though she could clearly see the anger grow on her father’s face. 

“Yes, really! And since I had her on the phone already, I took the opportunity to ask her about the results for your midterm.” Iyori gulped and bowed her head, ready to receive the scolding that was already underway. But nothing came, and only silence enveloped her, until she finally dared to lift her face again and looked at her father who was staring back at her with a look mixed of anger and worry. 

“Iyori, do you want to fail High School again?” asked Akihito with a deep sigh. 

“No, I don’t, but just because you wish for something not to happen, doesn’t mean it isn't going to happen anyway.” 

“No, but you aren’t doing anything to prevent it from happening either,” yelled Akihito and Iyori quickly took a step back. “You’re throwing away your life, your future. You upset your mom and embarrass your sister. How do you think Hanako feels about being in the same grade as her older sister? How do you think she feels about being second best in her entire grade while her sister is failing every single test and skipping classes nearly every day?” 

“I don’t know... she probably feels good?” answered Iyori. “The teachers praise her all the time and you love her.” 

“You would be praised too if you made an effort and actually passed your tests. Pull yourself together! What kind of future are you making for yourself right now?” 

“I am making the future I want to make, and nothing else!” yelled Iyori back as her father continued to talk to her in a raised voice. “That future might not be good enough for you or anyone else in this intolerable family, but I don’t care! I am going to do whatever I want!” After spitting those last words out, Iyori walked with firm steps to her bedroom, not looking back even once. After leaving her father in the hallway, she shut the door behind her and leaned against it whereafter she let out a deep sigh. 

“Are you okay?” Iyori looked up and saw her sister sitting at the bottom of their bunk beds. 

“I’m fine, sorry if I woke you up,” said Iyori and walked further inside the bedroom, looking for her pajamas. 

“It’s okay, I wasn’t sleeping,” said Hanako while still looking at her sister, eyes filled with worry. “I only got ready for bed a little while ago. I was doing homework until then.” Iyori shut the door to her closet with a loud thud while letting out yet another sigh before turning around. 

“You really don’t make life easy for me!” 

You aren’t making life easy for you!” said Hanako back. “If you just tried a little harder.” 

“Come on, we both know I would never be able to get to your level, and nothing less would be able to satisfy our father.” 

“It wouldn’t hurt to try,” said Hanako in a caring voice. 

“It wouldn’t hurt for you to try either,” said Iyori and Hanako looked at her in confusion. “To try and support your sister a little more instead of treating her the same way everyone else does.” Iyori sent another glare to Hanako before she climbed the stairs to the top bunk. 

“At least I never say anything about your grades or the fact that you skip classes all the time,” said Hanako loud and clear, making sure Iyori could still hear her. “Did think mom or dad never ask? They do. I just tell them they will have to ask you.” 

“Do you expect me to be thankful for that? I never asked you to cover for me!” said Iyori. “Tell them whatever you want, I don’t want to be indebted to you.” 

“Why would I tell them? I want our house to be a safe place where everyone is happy. Telling them about you skipping classes will only disturb the peace.” 

“Well, aren’t you a loving daughter...” 


“I am going to sleep now so leave me alone,” said Iyori and interrupted Hanako. “Goodnight.” The room was silent for a while, almost like Hanako was still debating whether to leave the conversation here or to pursue it further. In the end she too laid down on her bed and pulled her blanket up to her neck. 

“Goodnight,” said Hanako softly. “Sweet dreams...” 

Hello everyone!

This chapter was a bit short, but I think it showed us a little more about Iyori's family and how everyone feels. Things are definitely tense between Iyori and her father, and her relationship with her sister isn't that well either. It probably feels like having enemies in your own home.

What did you think, can you relate to Iyori's feelings and do you understand her family's concern? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments down below.

Also, make sure to take care of yourself and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

Anderoth - Sep 12 2021
This was a short chapter, but full of emotions. In a way, none of the characters are wrong. The family wants the best for Iyori, and having good grades to get into a decent university is what is considered to be the sure fire way of achieving that goal. But then you have Iyori, who feels like what’s the point in trying to do something you know you’re going to fail at? And let’s be honest, we can’t expect everyone to good at school, we’re all different - so it’s hard to not see why she’s tired and frustrated by everyone telling her that studies and school are the only way. So, at least in my case I can’t say either side is right or wrong and it’s just sad to see how even though everyone loves each other, they can’t understand each other. So, yeah, a short chapter but with a lot to read between the lines, or maybe I am just over analyzing it 😅
Annalise - Sep 15 2021
I think you hit the nail right on the head with your comment. We experience so many situations in life where there's not just 1 right and wrong, because we are in fact different people. So instead of trying to make everyone fit into a certain box, it's better to learn how to understand or at least respect each other's differences. We might not agree with what they decide to do in their life, but as long as we can respect that it's their own decision, then I think we've come a long way.
Esrah - Sep 21 2021
Wow just full of emotions. It's so sad to see the two sisters not getting along and I hope that will change with time. It's also quite interesting to see how Iyori views all this matter about finishing school and all. I don't know if that's where it's going to go, but I hope that she'll change in that perspective or at least find something for her that will make her happy.
Annalise - Sep 22 2021
It really is sad when siblings (and family in general) don't get along. I understand your thoughts, the way Iyori thinks is understandable but also quite worrisome.
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