Chapter 34

Iyori looked at herself in the mirror. Dressed in a pair of grey pants and a light brown sweater. She looked over her makeup again and went to her desk to choose a pair of earrings, when she suddenly heard the door open and turned her head to see Hanako walking inside their room.

“Well well... someone’s dressing up,” said Hanako. “You even did your hair.” Hanako gestured towards the braids Iyori made, but she just looked away without giving a reaction.

“So, where are you going?” asked Hanako while Iyori walked around the room to gather her belongings. “It’s Saturday... date night...”

“None of your business,” said Iyori without caring to look at Hanako.

“Come on, I already know about you and Shuya, at least let me know where you’re going on a date?” said Hanako and walked closer to Iyori, making her blood start boiling. “The movies? Eating out? Or a study date?”

“Cut it out, Hanako!” yelled Iyori and Hanako stepped back. “I’m not going out with Shuya, and what I do is none of your concern. So just leave me be.” Iyori grabbed her purse and left the room and Hanako behind.


The train ride to Sapporo felt strange and Iyori kept touching her stomach, wondering if she ate something bad that would make it hurt. She just prayed that the ride would be over quickly so she could step outside in the cold air.

Thankfully, she soon found herself on the train platform and took in a deep breath, whereafter she took out her phone and looked at the name.

“Takuya Ueda.” It wasn’t a name she remembered. It was probably the first time he had requested her. Hopefully he wasn’t a creep or a jerk, she really wasn’t in any mood to handle something like that today.

And hopefully...

Hopefully it wasn’t the person she feared it to be the most.

Iyori went into her phone again and looked at the messages. The one she sent last time was the last exchange made since then. He didn’t reply and he didn’t contact her since then either. 

What was his goal? 

To control her? To have her? To hurt her?

Iyori shook her head and turned off her phone. Worrying about it wouldn’t help, and there wasn’t anyone she could talk to about it either. Shuya hadn’t been in contact with her since the week she went to his house. He even skipped school for several days, or rather, he called in sick, but Iyori, for one, knew what that really meant.

Iyori let out a sigh. She already knew she had to do this alone, but funnily enough, she wasn’t that worried. This wasn’t an exam or something else she was bad at, she knew how to do this. And she could do this well. 

So she just put one foot in front of the other and started walking to the designated spot where she found her date waiting.

Takuya was a tall, handsome young man. He wore a suit and a warm black coat over it, making Iyori feel tremendously underdressed for the first time in a while. The man looked over his glasses when he saw Iyori approaching him and his cheeks suddenly turned red.

“Takuya Ueda?” asked Iyori and tilted her head slightly while looking at him.

“Ah... yes... yes that’s me...” said Takuya, stuttering through the sentence. “You... you must be Yuki?”

“I am, it’s nice to meet you,” said Iyori and held out her hand. The man took a second and then shook it gently. 

“I must say, Takuya, that suit looks great on you.” Iyori’s statement made Takuya divert his eyes while nervously rubbing his neck. “But also, it makes me feel really embarrassed. I didn’t know what to wear today since it is still so cold in February, so I’m sorry if I underdressed.”

“No!” said Takuya immediately and looked up. “No, you look perfect... I mean... I... What you wear is perfectly fine. I just came straight from work and didn’t have time to change.”

“Is that so?” said Iyori and wondered what kind of job Takuya had. “You’re making me quite curious about you already, but how about we find a place that’s a bit warmer and you can tell me more about yourself?”

“Yes... yes of course!” said Takuya, every sentence coming out of his mouth sounding like he was unsure of himself. “I... I booked a table at a restaurant, it’s supposed to be good... at least that’s what the internet said... but... I’m not really sure where it is...” Takuya fumbled with his phone and Iyori let out a giggle, only making Takuya become even more flustered.

“Can I see the name of the restaurant?” asked Iyori and Takuya nodded, whereafter he held up his phone in front of her.

“Ah, yes, I know that place, it’s not that far from here.”

“Really? That’s a relief!” said Takuya and smiled for the first time since they met.

“Well, shall I lead the way?” said Iyori and held out her hand, to which Takuya just stared at it in return.

“S... sorry... Is it too soon to hold hands? I usually hold hands with my boyfriend,” said Iyori when Takuya hadn't done or said anything for a while.

“Oh.. no no... it’s completely fine,” said Takuya and took Iyori’s hand. The warmth surprised Iyori, maybe because of the cold weather, but she quickly regained her senses and they started walking down the street together. 

The restaurant was in the fancier and more expensive end. She remembered the first date she and Shuya went on where he suggested going there and she scolded him for thinking they could get a table without reservations. It felt like a lifetime ago. 

Takuya kept stumbling over his words and stuttering whenever he tried to make conversation with Iyori on the way there, and Iyori laughed every time, telling him he was cute, which only made him even more flustered. 

But when they arrived, Takuya spoke to the waiter as if he was an entirely different person. He was serious, professional, every word well chosen in his sentences and his eyes looking directly at the person he spoke to. Iyori watched in awe and when they sat down at their table, she couldn’t help but stare at him.

“W... What?” asked Takuya and scratched his head.

“Takuya, you really are mysterious,” said Iyori. “When you speak to me, you can barely make out an entire sentence. But to that waiter, you sounded so professional.”

“Ah... yes...” said Takuya and laughed nervously. “I’m the head of marketing at my office, so I’m used to talking to other people. But when it comes to woman... I tend to get a little flustered... especially those as beautiful as you.” This time Iyori was the one to feel flustered. After months of not going on dates, she completely forgot how it felt to be complimented like that.

“Thank you,” said Iyori after a moment. “But that is quite interesting, is that why you wanted to rent me to go on a date today?” 

Takuya nodded.

“It... it is...” said Takuya. “I’m already 27... I want to marry and settle down soon. My parents wants to set me up and my friends wants me to go on blind dates. But I’m afraid the women will find me unattractive and un-manly if I behave this way.” 

“I see,” said Iyori and thought about it for a while. “Can I tell you my honest opinion?” Takuya looked at her with great curiosity.

“Yes, please do.”

“I don’t think you have to worry. You shouldn’t be afraid to be yourself. I find it really cute, the way you behave. And you’re tall and handsome, and when you give compliments, you do it well. I’m sure any girl would swoon if she went on a date with you.” Takuya held his breath and swallowed.

“R... Really?” 

Iyori nodded.

“Really!” said Iyori. “But that doesn’t mean I think you shouldn’t go on a date with me. Maybe it will help ease your nerves. So I hope you enjoy your date with me today.”

“Yes... I’m sure I will!”

The date moved on smoothly. Iyori ate a delicious meal and convinced Takuya to split a desert with her. They talked and laughed. Takuya told her a little more about his job, about his preferred type and about his previous failed attempts of asking women out. Iyori enjoyed their conversation and for the hours they were out, she forgot all about Shuya and her crazy stalker, simply enjoying the moment and their time together.

It wasn’t until she said her goodbyes and walked down the street of Sapporo on her own, that her thoughts and worries came back to her. 

Maybe I should call it a day, thought Iyori to herself even though she knew that one date wasn’t a lot on a Saturday. But on the contrary, she was only just getting back into it. She needed time to adapt.

Iyori went into the app, ready to log out for the day, when she suddenly received another request. 

“How about a late night movie date?” wrote Tomoki as an attachment to his request. Iyori smiled when she read it. If there was one person she had missed during the days she was on a break, it was Tomoki.

She didn’t even stop to think before she accepted, and around 45 minutes later, she and Tomoki met up outside the movie theater. 

He looked just the same, his red bicycle parked outside. 

“Yuki!” said Tomoki and waved enthusiastically.

“Tomoki!” said Iyori and ran over to him. “It’s so good to see you again. How have you been?”

“Horrible, I mean, how could I be anything else when I haven’t been able to see you for so long?”

“Sorry,” said Iyori and looked away. “But I’m here now, and I’m really glad you requested me. I was just about to call it a day when you requested me.”

“Really? So early?” asked Tomoki and took Iyori’s hand while they walked inside. It all felt so natural, like they had seen each other just the other day.

“Yeah, it’s just a little hard to get back in the rhythm after a long break,” said Iyori.

“Ah, I see,” said Tomoki and nodded understandingly. “That makes sense. But you’ll be back in the game in no time. I know you.” Iyori looked up and smiled, as did Tomoki.

The movie was one of those typical romance stories with a plot just barely compelling enough that it keeps your mind busy. All that really matters is whether the two main characters end up together. How they got there and what happens on the way, play very little role to most people. Tomoki had bought both of them a cola and a popcorn to share, much to big for them to finish before the movie ended. 

“So, what did you think?” asked Tomoki when they left the theater.

“I liked it,” said Iyori. “It was cute and fun, a perfect way to end my night.” 

“I’m happy to hear that,” said Tomoki. 

When they stepped outside, Iyori felt a chill when the cold evening breeze blew past her and she made a shiver.

“Are you cold?” asked Tomoki.

“Ah, just a little,” said Iyori.

“Here,” said Tomoki and unwrapped the scarf he wore around his neck and quickly wrapped it around Iyori’s.

“But, don’t you need it?” asked Iyori, but Tomoki shook his head.

“You need it more than me. We can’t have you getting sick now that you’re finally back to work,” said Tomoki. “Just give it back to me on our next date.” Iyori looked at Tomoki for a little while and then asked again:

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure,” said Tomoki and laughed. 

“Thank you,” said Iyori. “Get home safe.”

“You too,” said Tomoki and waved before getting up on his bicycle and cycling away. 

Iyori stayed still until he was out of sight and then went into the app, this time logging out immediately. It was already late and it was dark and cold. She wanted to hurry to the station and get home.

As she started walking, she remembered a shortcut down some smaller streets and quickly made a turn, walking fast to keep herself warm. If it wasn’t for Tomoki’s scarf, she was sure she would’ve ended up with a cold.

I hope he isn’t too cold himself, thought Iyori while she continued walking, but her thoughts were soon interrupted when she reached a path with no streetlights.

Great, thought Iyori with a sigh. It felt meaningless to go back now, but could she really walk through that street alone? There was no other living being in sight and it was dead silent. Maybe if she just walked really fast and used her phone as a flashlight. Iyori nodded to herself and quickly started walking again.

The silence was overwhelming and so were her thoughts. She kept feeling like she was hearing footsteps, even though she knew it was just her mind playing tricks on her. 

At least that’s what she said to convince herself.

But the sounds kept repeating and they got faster and faster, along with her own footsteps. A rustling sound made her stop and she quickly turned around, only to find nothing there.

“H... Hello?” said Iyori and looked around, but nobody replied.

You must be crazy, thought Iyori and started walking again, but the sound of the footsteps returned just as fast, making Iyori’s heart beat faster.

When does this street end? thought Iyori and looked ahead, no light in sight. Was this path always so dark? So secluded? 

The footsteps sounded like they were getting closer. And closer. Until she was sure it wasn’t her imagination and at that point, she didn’t dare turn around anymore. Instead she started running. She ran as fast as her feet could carry her, turning a corner every chance she got. 

She quickly looked over her shoulder as she ran, and for a moment, she felt sure she saw a shadow behind her.

“Go away!” yelled Iyori, but the footsteps didn’t stop and she just ran even faster.

She looked around her to see if there was any place with a lot of people nearby, but at this point, she wasn’t even sure where she was anymore. So she just ran. And ran. Until her feet could barely carry her anymore.

The footsteps had faded a little, was she outrunning him? 

She looked ahead and saw a group of dumpsters standing near the wall of a building and she made a quick decision. At the speed of lightning, she ran towards the dumpsters and moved one of them slightly forward, making a space between the dumpster and the wall, where she crawled in between while staying silent.

The sound of footsteps turned louder again and Iyori covered her mouth and held her breath. The sound got louder and louder, until suddenly, it stopped. Iyori looked ahead and saw the shadow of a person standing a few meters away from the dumpster. She nearly let out a squeak, but she managed to stay silent, praying to God and everyone else, that the person would leave without seeing her.

Seconds felt like hours and she could barely breathe by the time the person finally took a step forward and walked away. 

Tears slid down Iyori’s cheeks and soaked her hand that was still in front of her mouth. She didn’t dare move it, she didn’t dare move at all. She just stayed put and felt the tears streaming down her face.

With hands shaking, she brought out her phone, unlocked it and went into her contacts. Instinctively she immediately found Shuya, but when she was about to call, her hand froze and her finger lingered in the air above the button. Even more tears fell as she pulled her finger away and lowered her head in defeat. 

She continued to sob like there was no end. 

It took several minutes before she finally looked up again and looked at her phone. She took in a deep breath and swiped around in her contacts, until she found the person she was looking for and pressed “call”.

It rang for about three times before the call was answered and Iyori breathed out.

“What’s up?” said Hanako in her usual voice. “Why aren’t you home yet? It’s late. I thought you were scared of the dark.” Iyori felt her lip start to quiver and she could barely find the words to begin.

“H... Hanako...” said Iyori while the tears started streaming again.

“Iyori? What’s the matter?”

“Please... please help me...” The words were almost impossible to understand, but Hanako was able to make out the sentence and quickly continued in a firm voice.

“Iyori, what happened? Where are you?”

“I... I’m in... Sapporo...”

“Sapporo? Why are you so far away? No... that’s not important! Get home now!”

“I... I can’t...”

“You can’t?”

“Hanako... I can’t... move... please... please help me...” cried Iyori while she repeated her plead over and over again.

“Okay breathe Iyori, just breathe,” said Hanako. “I’ll come, just stay where you are, I’m on my way.”

“Mm... okay...” said Iyori.

“Alright, I’m putting on my jacket now, can you send me your location?” Iyori nodded her head, even though Hanako wasn’t able to see it, and she took the phone away from her ear and went into her messaging app. With shaking hands she managed to send her location to Hanako and then put the phone to her ear again.

“Alright, I got it,” said Hanako to confirm. “I’m walking to the station now. It’ll be a little while, do you want me to stay on the phone with you?” Iyori nodded again, but quickly remembered she had to answer.

“Y... Yes...” said Iyori.

“Good, I’ll stay on the phone. Just breathe,” said Hanako. “Are you safe where you are?”

“I... I think so...” said Iyori without sounding sure.

“That’s good, don’t move, I’ll be there as soon as possible.”

“O... Okay...”

Hanako kept talking back and forth with Iyori on her way and even though it took a while and Iyori felt like she was slowly turning into a solid icicle, she didn’t move an inch.

“It should be around here,” said Hanako on the phone. “Iyori, can you see me?” 

“I... I don’t know...” said Iyori.

“Wait, I can hear you,” said Hanako and started running. “Say something else.”

“Like... like what?”

“I hear you,” said Hanako. “I’m coming.” Hanako kept running and running, until she suddenly stopped to listen. The quiet sobs made her turn her head towards the dumpsters and she slowly moved towards them, spotting Iyori behind one of them, looking up at her with swollen eyes.

“Iyori!” said Hanako and bend down and embraced her. Iyori’s body relaxed in Hanako’s arms and she cried even harder.

“It’s okay... don’t worry... no one can hurt you...” said Hanako and moved her hand up and down Iyori’s back gently. “I’m here now.”

Hello everyone!

I can't explain how satisfying this chapter was to write and read for me. Even though we probably all want Iyori to confide in Shuya, I just love it when siblings love and support each other. If you have siblings yourself, you probably know. Even if you annoy each other and get on each other's nerves, you'll always have each other's back. It's a beautiful kind of love.

Oh well, that was a lot, but let me know what you think? Leave a comment down below.

Also, promise me to take good care of yourself and stay safe out there.

Love, Annalise~

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