Chapter 32

“Um...” said Iyori while fidgeting with her hands, standing in front of Hanako in their bedroom.

“Um?” said Hanako. "What?”

“I... I just wondered if you wanted to walk to school together?” Hanako nearly choked on the air she was breathing in, and Iyori looked away in embarrassment.

“Wh... Sure?” said Hanako, sounding a little uncertain. “I’ll just get ready and eat breakfast, then we can leave.” 

Iyori nodded.

“Al... Alright,” said Hanako and took a step forward. “I’ll go shower then.” Hanako left the bedroom and went to the bathroom, feeling the cold run down her spine. 

Hearing Iyori ask something like that felt like something out of a horror movie. What was going on?

When Hanako came back from the shower, Iyori were already sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast with Hina and Aiko. After greeting her mother and sister-in-law, Hanako also took a seat and ate with them.


“My my, I’m so happy to see you two walking to school together,” said Hina when Hanako and Iyori were putting on the coats.

“Have a nice day,” said Aiko and waved goodbye to the girls before the left.

The streets were still covered in pretty white snow. A new layer had fallen during the night and everything looked sparkling and perfect. Untouched, like a blank canvas. At least until the girls, and every other student on their way to school, made their way through it.

Hanako and Iyori walked next to each other, Iyori with her eyes constantly looked around and over her shoulder, while Hanako observed her closely without speaking a word. A few times when Iyori turned her head, she and Hanako made eye contact for a moment and Iyori sent her a nervous smile, something that only made Hanako raise even more suspicion.


“Do you have club activities today?” asked Iyori and interrupted Hanako as she was about to speak up. Hanako, with her mouth still agape, looked at Iyori with a raised eyebrow.

“I... I do...” said Hanako.

“Good... great...” said Iyori, dragging the words as she spoke, looking like she was trying her best to get the next sentence out. “I have club activities too, so... we can walk home together too, right?” Iyori stopped walking and looked straight into Hanako’s eyes.

“You’ll... you’ll wait for me, right? So... so we can walk home together?” Iyori’s eyes were flickering and her hands were folded.

“Iyori, what’s going on?”

“Just answer my question!” yelled Iyori all of a sudden and Hanako made a little jump. “You’re the one who’s always breathing down my neck, wanting to be around me every second. Now I want you around, can you just say yes or no?”

“Alright, yes... we can walk home together,” said Hanako and Iyori nodded, whereafter she started walking again. Hanako stood still for a minute, trying to shake the feeling that filled her entire body. 

“Wait up,” yelled Hanako and ran after Iyori.

For the first time in a while, Hanako got through the school day without having a single clue about what they had been learning. She didn’t know what homework they were supposed to do, or what tests were coming up. The only thing on her mind, was Iyori. Every chance she got, she looked over her shoulder and caught a glimpse of her, trying to read her mood, the emotions on her face. 

The smile never left her face, especially not around Shuya. That plastic smile Iyori had been wearing since the other day. A smile that, when you looked closely, looked so incredibly sad.

When the bell rang at the end of the day, Hanako left the classroom as the first person, storming out while leaving everything behind. She headed straight to the art club room, looking around to see if anyone had arrived yet. While impatiently tapping her foot, Hanako stood in the doorway and looked down the hallway, until she saw a guy approaching. She scanned her mind, hoping she remembered his name correctly.

“Y... Yusuke,” said Hanako and when she saw the reaction on his face, she let out a sigh of relief.

“Hello, you’re Iyori’s sister, aren’t you?” asked Yusuke when he got closer.

“Yes, Hanako,” said Hanako and continued. “Listen, I have this worry, and I thought the art club would be the ones to know Iyori the best, so I thought I should ask here.”

“Okay... what’s going on?” asked Yusuke.

“Iyori is acting... strange... like really really strange...” said Hanako. “I’m worried. Do you happen to know if anything’s going on with her? If there is, I’d like to help.” Yusuke looked at Hanako while taking in all the information. He scratched his chin and looked up at the ceiling.

“Well... I’m not sure, she seems fine to me,” said Yusuke and kept thinking. “On the other side, some things have been happening lately, so maybe she’s stressed out because of that?”

“What?” asked Hanako. “What things?”

“You know, she and Shuya,” began Yusuke. “Things haven’t really been smooth sailing in their relationship so far. All that drama is bound to take a toll on her. Other than that, there’s the same stress we all face, the stress of exams.”

“Yes I know, but she was never the type to stress about exams,” said Hanako and looked away while thinking.


Hanako looked up when she heard the sound of her older sister’s voice. 

“What are you doing here? Don’t you have club activities?” asked Iyori.

“Hi, yes, yes I do,” said Hanako, trying hard not to stumble over her words. “I just... I needed to ask Yusuke something. I’m going now.”

“Alright,” said Iyori and walked inside the club room. 

Hanako took a step down the hallway, but she hadn't gotten far before she stopped again. Her feet just wouldn't move forward, and in the end she decided to turn around and walk back to the club room where the rest of the members seemed to have gathered. She took a peek inside and spotted the person she was seeking.

“Shuya,” said Hanako and Shuya popped his head out of the club room. 

"Hanako, what is it?" asked Shuya, confused as to why she was calling for him.

“Um... Someone from the debate club said they needed to ask you something. Could you come with me for a second?” said Hanako in the most believable voice she could muster.

“From the debate club?” said Shuya, not sure who he knew in the debate club besides Hanako herself.

“Yes, I think it’s urgent, can you come?” said Hanako and tried to sent him some kind of signal with her eyes. Whether he understood the exact intend or not was hard to say, but he did tell the others he would be stepping out for a moment and followed Hanako.

Hanako walked with fast steps down the hallway, Shuya following right behind as they slowly neared the debate club, but when they reached the last corner on their journey, Hanako stopped in her tracks and turned around.

“Sorry,” said Hanako. "I lied."

"What?" said Shuya. "What is going on here?"

“I'm sorry, but I had to talk to you alone," continued Hanako in a serious voice. "It’s about Iyori”

“O...kay...” said Shuya, his hands turning sweaty all of a sudden. “Is something the matter? Did Iyori... did she say something?”

“She didn’t have to,” said Hanako, her voice slowly getting louder. “It’s painted all over her face. Just look at her. She stressed out, depressed, even scared. I don’t know what’s been going on in your relationship with her, but please try to step up your game.”

“Wait, what?” said Shuya after listening to the rant from Hanako. “So Iyori didn’t tell you anything? You’re just assuming things?”

“I wouldn’t call it so much 'assuming' as it is a conclusion based on facts,” explained Hanako. “Look, bottom line is, Iyori isn’t happy. You’re supposed to be her boyfriend, so just... keep her happy!”

“I am doing my best!” said Shuya. “I know things haven’t been all that perfect between us, but we both had our problems, and we’ve worked them out together. So I don’t need you to tell me to look after my girlfriend, I am already doing that.”

“Well, you’re not doing a very good job,” said Hanako and Shuya opened his mouth to speak up again, but in the same moment, someone stepped out from the shadows and blocked the space between them.

“Stop,” said Iyori while she looked at Hanako with a glare.

“Iyori?” said Hanako in confusion, her face looking as shocked as Shuya’s.

“Yes, I followed you,” said Iyori. “Your poor excuse was enough to make me suspicious.” Hanako looked down while Iyori continued.

“So this is what you were planning on doing? Meddling in my relationship? My private life? It’s none of your business!”

“I was just worried!” yelled Hanako. “You have been acting strange lately and you’re not telling me anything, what was I supposed to believe?”

“I don’t know, but don’t jump to conclusions, and don’t go around yelling at my boyfriend when he’s done nothing wrong!” yelled Iyori back at her sister. 

“I just... I wanna help...”

“Then help me, be there for me, in the way I need it, without sticking your head where it doesn’t belong,” said Iyori, her voice slowly calming down again. “Can you... can you do that?” Hanako nodded silently, her eyes on the ground. Iyori let out a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Shuya who hadn’t said a word during the entire thing.

“Sorry about this,” said Iyori and scratched her head. “Let’s go back to the club room.” Shuya nodded, deciding it would be better to stay quiet for now.

“Wait,” said Hanako when they were about to leave. “Does that mean you still want to walk home together?” Iyori turned around and looked at Hanako.

“Can you walk home with me without making another conspiracy theory?” Hanako nodded. “Good, then let’s go home together. I’ll see you later.”

“Okay, see you later,” said Hanako and waved.

Iyori and Shuya slowly walked back towards the club room. The halls were empty, most people had either gone to their club or gone home. The way back felt long, but then again, their steps were slower than usual and they kept catching glances at each other, no one really sure how to start the conversation.

“So... what’s this about, you walking home with Hanako? I thought you two didn’t get along,” said Shuya to break the ice.

“We don’t, didn’t you see our dispute back there?” said Iyori. “But... I just don’t feel comfortable walking home alone...”

“Because of him?”

“We don’t even know if it’s a him. We don’t know what that person is or want,” said Iyori and stopped walking, turning around so she could look into Shuya’s eyes.

“Come on, of course it’s a guy,” said Shuya firmly. “It’s one of the creeps who rents girls at your company. He’s jealous and pathetic and wants you to himself.”

“Stop!” yelled Iyori. “Just... stop... I can’t talk about this. I... I can’t breathe... when I think about it...” Iyori reached for her chest while looking at Shuya with her teary eyes.

“Iyori?” said Shuya and took a step forward, but Iyori immediately moved away. 

“It’s fine... I just... I don’t want to be alone, not when that person is still out there,” said Iyori.

“Then tell Hanako what’s really going on.”

“No!” yelled Iyori. “I feel like that person is watching my every move. I don’t feel safe anywhere and I don’t want to drag anymore people into this. I already feel bad about dragging you into this. You have enough things on your mind already.”

“Don’t say that,” said Shuya. “I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend, in that, Hanako is right. But I want to do better. So, if anything happens, you tell me, okay?” Iyori looked at Shuya for a little while, holding her breath while she thought.

“Okay,” said Iyori eventually, and a faint smile showed up on Shuya’s face.

“Good, now let’s go back, the others are probably wondering where we are.”


Hanako and Iyori walked silently next to each other on their way home. The atmosphere felt heavy and the cold air didn’t make up for it in any way. The only thing that the cold did, was making them walk faster, in hope that they could soon go inside a warm house and eat a nice warm dinner.

Hina waited at home, the same smile as usual, but it only grew bigger when she saw both of her girls walking through the door together. She almost couldn’t contain her happiness, but Iyori quickly vanished and Hanako assured Hina that nothing between them had changed. Aiko did her best to console Hina and make the best of the situation, cracking a few jokes and laughs to make everything happy again.

Iyori swallowed her dinner and hurried back to her room, burying herself under her blanket, feeling oddly tired, with no energy for studies or entertainment or anything for that matter. She barely remembered how she used to be able to do a part time job on the side of everything. Where did all the energy come from?

The more she thought, the more she realized it wasn’t that her body produced less energy, she just used it all on something else. Every last bit of her energy was used on the worries. 

The thoughts of what the next text would say. 

Fear that made her look over her shoulder and act like a lunatic in front of Hanako. 

Worry that something was watching her, listening to her conversations, recording it or taking pictures. 

She couldn’t sit still. She couldn’t rest, all when she knew something might happen in the next second.

As if to kick her when she was already lying down, Iyori felt her phone vibrating as she was lying in her bed and she immediately sat up when she saw the message.


The same as many others had said. She stared at the message while her breathing increased and her heart started racing. Her finger lingered over the keyboard, shaking along with the rest of her body.

“What do you want?” typed Iyori with great struggle and forced herself to press send. It didn’t take more than a second before a reply came.





Iyori’s body was shaking even more and she quickly went out of the chat and onto her home screen. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm down her heart, and when she opened it again, she went into her contacts and found Shuya.

The seconds it took from she started the call, to Shuya picking up, felt like an eternity, but when she finally heard his voice on the other side of the line, she already felt a lot calmer.

“What’s up? Miss me already?” asked Shuya in his usual manner.

“I guess,” said Iyori and laughed nervously. “What are you doing?”

“Studying, shouldn’t you be doing the same?” asked Shuya.

“I should, but I just don’t feel like it tonight. I’ll do it tomorrow,” said Iyori.

“How did things go on your way home with Hanako?”

“Things were fine, we didn’t talk.”

“How is that fine?” Iyori laughed a little, hearing the sentence in her own head.

“I guess it isn’t completely fine, but I was happy she wanted to walk home with me.”

“That’s good,” said Shuya.

Both of them stayed quiet for a little while. Iyori could hear Shuya writing something down, probably still trying to study even while they were talking. But she didn’t mind, just having him on the other side was enough. She knew how much this meant to him. She didn’t want to bother him. 


He was the one who told her to bother him.

“Say, Shuya?”


“I was thinking... maybe... maybe I should go back to work.” It turned completely silent on the other side, not like before when she could still hear a bit of background noise. There were no sounds, almost like even he had stopped breathing.

“Why? Why would you do that?” asked Shuya. “Did something happen? Did he contact you again?”


“Why didn’t you tell me from the start? I thought you just called to chat, if something happened, tell me immediately!” said Shuya in a stressed out voice. “What did he say?”

“He told me to go back to work,” said Iyori. “Maybe I should just do it.”

“No!” said Shuya. “You don’t know who he is. He might request you for a date and you would go out with him unknowingly. I don’t want that. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.”

“Right now I’m the one who can’t sleep!” said Iyori loudly. “I don’t know what to do? I’m... I’m scared.” 

“I know,” said Shuya. “But remember, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I’ll stay with you on this call until I know you’ve fallen asleep.”

“Are you serious?” said Iyori and laughed, but there was no laughter coming from the other side.

“I’m serious. I’ll make sure you feel safe up until the last second before you fall asleep. So just... close your eyes and put the phone next to your ears.”

Iyori felt stupid when she thought about it, but eventually, she did as he said. She crawled back down under her blanket and put the phone close to her ear, whereafter she closed her eyes. 

The room didn’t feel as lonely anymore. Didn't feel as quiet. 

The bit of background noise from the phone, the sound of scribbling, the sound of breathing, all of it reminded Iyori of Shuya’s presence. She felt her own breathing slowly starting to follow Shuya’s, getting slower and deeper. Her mind wandered off, slowly leaving her body and moving into dreamland. She was nearly gone, when part of her thought she heard the gentle voice on the other side speak softly.

“Sweet dreams.”

Hello everyone!

How did you like this chapter? Are you happy Iyori is finally leaning a bit more on Shuya and telling him what's going on?

The last part is actually inspired by my own experiences. I remember how my husband would stay on the phone with me every night and he wouldn't hang up before he knew I had fallen asleep. And I remember one night when I hadn't completely fallen asleep yet and I heard him saying "sweet dreams" before hanging up. I just get happy thinking back on those experiences.

But let me know what you think of the chapter in the comments down below!

And make sure to stay happy and healthy, wherever you are out there.

Love, Annalise~

Esrah - Mar 21 2022
Awwww that scene at the end was soooooo cute. I'm also really happy that Iyori is trying to seek help in one form or another. Going to school with her sister is clearly easing her mind a bit and I'm glad she's doing that!
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