Chapter 23

Iyori hid her phone under the table while she read the messages over and over again. She hadn’t received any more since the day before yesterday, but her entire body still shook when she looked at the words. 

“So you’re saying that the reason why you aren’t working as much as you used to is because you’re preparing for your midterms?” asked the middle aged man sitting across from iyori in the fancy restaurant. Iyori quickly turned off her phone and looked up again, trying to seem a little more invested in their date. 

The man in front of her had a broad and sharp jawline that was covered in a thick, but well kept, beard. He wore a pair of round glasses, something that only made him look even more sophisticated. And as the final touch, his suit was clearly tailor made, fitting him to a tee.

“Yes,” said Iyori politely. “I’ve been neglecting my school for far too long.” She sat up straight and tried to correct her dress a little so it wouldn’t wrinkle.

“I... I want to improve my grades, and that takes a lot of work," Iyori continued while trying hard not to stumble over the words.

“I understand,” said the man with a nod. Iyori moved around a little and then leaned back in her chair.

“Mr. Kamiyama,” said Iyori softly to get his attention. “I have spoken only of myself all night. Don’t you want to tell my anything about you?”

“I enjoy listening to your stories,” said mr. Kamiyama and rested his chin on his hand, looking directly into Iyori’s eyes. “And you don’t have to speak so politely to me. I know I’m more than 20 years older than you, but I believe this is still a date and for the next couple of hours you’re supposed to be my girlfriend, aren’t you?”

“Of... of course, M... Mao...” said Iyori and felt her cheeks turning red when she called him by his first name. “I’m just not used to speaking this comfortably to a man of your... status...”

“Age,” corrected Mao with a smile. “You can say age, I know that’s what you mean. And I know it must be a little weird for you to be on a date with me. I don’t believe it’s usually men of my age who rent girls from your company. I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable.” Iyori gulped when she looked at Mao. Usually it didn’t bother Iyori who she was on a date with. No matter the age, the status or anything of that sort, but with the text messages still clear in her mind, she did feel slightly uncomfortable, maybe even a little scared.

“No... you don’t make me uncomfortable,” said Iyori and smiled the best she could. 

“But it is strange, isn’t it?” asked Mao and moved in a little closer. Iyori felt her heart beating faster and she started rubbing her hands together under the table while laughing nervously.

“A little,” said Iyori softly and Mao started laughing before he picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

“I knew it. It’s just so refreshing to be with someone who I can talk to about something that isn’t work or money or anything of that sort,” said Mao with a sigh. “When I’m with you, you make me remember how I used to be, back when I was in High School. Back when I was the one who had to prepare for my midterms and finals.” Mao let out another sigh before he continued. “It feels like ages ago.”

“You don’t look that old,” said Iyori, trying her best to push away her worries and focus on the moment.

“I think you’re flattering me,” said Mao, but Iyori shook her head.

“No, my work might be to sit here with you, but that doesn’t mean I lie when I tell you that you’re good-looking.” Mao cleared his throat, but it wasn’t enough to hide the redness that appeared on his cheeks.

“Thank you,” said Mao after a short while of silence and Iyori politely bowed her head.

“Can’t you tell me a little bit about when you were in High School?” said Iyori and rested her head in her hands. Once again Mao seemed a little out of it, but he was better at hiding it this time.

“Do you actually want to know?” asked Mao and Iyori nodded enthusiastically. “There’s really nothing much to say. I wasn’t the best in my grade, neither the worst. I was just very... ordinary.”

“I doubt that,” said Iyori and tried to look convincing.

“Well that’s how it was. I went to High School like everyone else. I was in a club just like everyone else.”

“What club were you in?” asked Iyori.

“The debate club,” answered Mao quickly.

“My sister is in the debate club,” said Iyori just as quickly.

“Is that so?” said Mao. “What does she wanna study when she finishes High School?”

“I think her plan is to study law,” said Iyori and felt something sting in her chest.

“Law?” said Mao. “A competent choice.”

“Yes... she is a competent girl,” said Iyori.

“What about you? What are your plans for the future?”

“Me?” said Iyori and sat up straight again. “I plan to be here, in case you ever want to go out to dinner again.”

“You shouldn’t be doing this for the rest of your life, hopefully you’re just joking,” said Mao. “You’re a smart, young girl and you have your whole life ahead of you.” Iyori tried to send him a smile, but was finding it hard to think of anything to say in response. Luckily for her, Mao had another topic in mind.

“What club are you in?” 

“I’m... in the art club,” said Iyori, a little hesitant.

“But you don’t plan on studying art?” 

“How did you–”

“The way you said that just sounded like you didn’t really want to talk about it,” said Mao and laughed. “Do you not like being in the art club?”

“I do, I love drawing and painting, everything that has to do with art in general is something I enjoy,” said Iyori. “I just... I don’t think I’m good enough to make a living out of it. It’s just a hobby.”

“Is that so?” said Mao and nodded a little. Iyori tilted her head slightly as she looked at him.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Oh nothing much,” said Mao and waved his hand in front of her, but Iyori didn’t break eye contact, making it impossible for Mao to close the conversation there. “Well... it just sounds like you’re afraid to try it. No matter what you want to do with your future it requires a lot of hard work and you might fail, but then you just have to find a way to get back up and not give up.” Iyori’s eyes wavered a little after hearing Mao’s direct statement and she leaned back in her chair, feeling a sort of defeat wash over her.

“I guess you’re right,” said Iyori and laughed nervously. “I’ve always been afraid of failure. Maybe that’s why I’ve never worked hard on anything.”

“I don’t believe that, to me you seem like a very hard working girl,” said Mao and reached out to Iyori’s hand.

“My my, it seems like you’re the one encouraging me, that wasn’t the plan,” said Iyori and put her other hand on top of his.

“Don’t worry about that, you’re doing your job just perfectly by making me forget about my own problems and worries.”

“Well in that case, I’m happy,” said Iyori.

A few conversations, and a whole chocolate cake later, Iyori was standing next to Mao while he paid for their dinner, whereafter they walked out of the restaurant together. The sun had already set, but that was to be expected at this time of year. Iyori looked up at the clear sky, a few stars visible in spite of the many lights from the city. 

When she lowered her head again, she found Mao looking right at her. His dark brown eyes were staring into hers, and without Iyori even noticing, he gently put his hands around Iyori’s neck and pulled her closer. Enchanted by his eyes, their lips slowly got closer and closer, until they were only a breath away from meeting. In that moment, when Iyori felt Mao’s warm breath on her cold lips, she woke up, and in the same second she quickly pushed him away and took a step back.

“I’m... I’m sorry... Mr. Kamiyama,” said Iyori while looking down, feeling her heart beating fast enough that it would probably jump out of her chest anytime soon. “You do not have permission to kiss me.” The night suddenly felt darker and the wind colder, as Iyori felt the cold running down her neck, her body shaking from the shock.

“I thought we agreed we would speak comfortably to each other,” said Mao and tried to sound as friendly as possible, but Iyori still couldn’t get her heart to calm down. 

“Y... Yeah...” said Iyori in the most calm voice she could muster, as she pulled herself together and looked up again. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, I was the one who stepped over the line,” said Mao and Iyori felt the weight on her chest lighten as she looked at Mao’s apologetic face.

“Now I’ve really made you uncomfortable. That wasn’t my intention,” continued Mao and looked away. “It’s only because I’ve had such an amazing time with you, for a moment I completely forget about time and space and the rules didn’t even cross my mind.” Mao turned his attention to Iyori once again and his eyes, begging for forgiveness, stared into hers, making her gulp.

“Well, if that’s the case, then we can just forget it,” said Iyori and put on her best smile.

“I’m happy to hear you say that,” said Mao and let out a sigh of relief. “I hope you won’t mind if I ever request you again?”

“Of course not,” said Iyori, even though her heart was sitting in her throat. “I’m always happy to know a client enjoyed our time together and want to go on a date another time.”

“Good, then it’s not goodbye,” said Mao.

“No, I’ll see you around,” said Iyori and waved at Mao as he said the same back and walked away. His car was parked a bit farther away, so Iyori stayed in the same spot and waited until she couldn’t see the shadow of him anymore and she quickly spun around on her heel, ready to move on with her own plans.

She hadn’t walked for more than a few minutes until she felt her phone vibrating and she stopped to see who was calling. She rolled her eyes when she saw the caller ID, but she still answered the call.

“You’re late,” said Shuya without a greeting. “Where are you?”

“I’m coming, just chill,” said Iyori and ended the call immediately after, leaving Shuya dumbfounded on the other end.

Was I too harsh? thought Shuya as he stared at his screen. Maybe something happened?

With his thoughts running wild, and his feet getting colder by waiting for so long outside the library, he stayed on the lookout for Iyori. Around 10 minutes passed until he saw a young girl approaching, one who closely resembled Iyori and he waved at her to confirm. She didn’t wave back, but as she got closer, he was sure it was her.

“Hey?” said Shuya in a questioning manner as he looked at Iyori who finally arrived. “What was that all about? You hang up on me and you don’t even wave at me to let me know it’s you.”

“I didn’t–” started Iyori until she realized he was right. “That’s not– I’m just... I’m not feeling that good.”

“So something did happen?” said Shuya and Iyori looked away. “Okay, I want to know everything, but first, I want to get inside where it’s warm.” Iyori didn’t respond, but she still followed right behind Shuya, thinking hard about what to tell him and what to keep to herself.

After barely stepping through the main entrance, Shuya stopped in his tracks and looked at Iyori again. 

“What are you doing?” said Iyori after a short while with neither of them moving.

“Tell me what happened,” said Shuya firmly.

“What– Here?” said Iyori and looked around in the hallway they were standing in.

“I have a feeling I might not be able to keep entirely quiet, so I don’t want to go all the way inside the library,” said Shuya. “There’s no need to get scolded more than we already do.” Iyori let out a sigh and looked down.

“You’re not gonna just let this go, are you?” asked Iyori and looked up, seeing Shuya shaking his head. “Fine, then...” 

A few more seconds passed while Shuya looked at Iyori, patiently waiting for her to continue speaking, all the while Iyori was joggling the words inside her head, trying to find the best way to phrase it.

“It really is nothing,” said Iyori and tried to sound as carefree as possible. “It’s just... well... you know the rules we have in the company, right?” Shuya raised an eyebrow, but the serious expression on Iyori’s face made him think about it.

“No gifts, no touching except holding hands and... no kissing, right?” Iyori nodded. “Did someone break the rules?” Iyori nodded again, this time a little more hesitant. 

“If I have to be entirely correct, he didn’t actually break the rules, he was just... very close...” continued Iyori.

“Okay...” said Shuya, still waiting for some kind of explanation of everything. “So... you stopped him from whatever he wanted to do?”


“That’s good, isn’t it?” Iyori nodded.

“It is... everything is fine... that’s what I said... I’m just being silly...” continued Iyori. “Anyway, let’s get going, it’s already late and we need to study.”

“Wow, stop right there,” said Shuya when he saw Iyori about to walk away. “You didn’t tell me what it was he was trying to do.”

“Well...” said Iyori and tried to look away, but Shuya’s gaze made it hard for her. “He... He tried to... kiss... me...” Even if Shuya had already went over the scenario in his head, the words spoken out loud still had an effect on him and he felt his cheeks turn redder, as did Iyori's.

“But I stopped him,” said Iyori quickly as a follow up, and Shuya took in a deep breath.

“I’m happy you were able to stop him,” said Shuya. “How did he take it?”

“Pretty well, even though I felt very uncomfortable,”  said Iyori. “I’m not sure if it was because of the kiss or because of his age or because of the weird texts–”

“His age? What was with his age? Was he a minor?”

“No, he was... a grown up.”

“A grown up?” Iyori let out another sigh, knowing there was no way around it anymore.

“He was 45.” Shuya’s eyes widened to twice the size and he immediately shouted:

“45?” Iyori quickly shushed Shuya as she felt the bypassers' eyes on them.

“Are you joking? That’s not even funny,” said Shuya, whisper-shouting to avoid everyone’s attention.

“No, I’m not joking, there’s no age limit, as long as they’re above 18 years old, anyone can request a date.”

“Did you know his age when he requested?” asked Shuya and Iyori nodded. “What’s wrong with you? Didn’t you think it was gross?”

“Age doesn’t really matter, I’ve had a lot of guys in the 20’s request me and most of them are jerks. When I saw his age I thought ‘that might be a fun change’, so I accepted.”

“Of course...” said Shuya while nodding understandingly. “You couldn’t have known he would be such a pervert when he requested you. At least now you know and you don’t have to go out with him again.” Iyori gulped when she heard the last part of Shuya’s sentence and he noticed immediately.


“Well... after he apologized for his actions, he asked if he could request me again. So... I said yes.” Shuya’s already widened eyes turned blood red when he heard the words coming from Iyori’s mouth and Iyori wished she could take back what she said.

“Are you out of your mind? What if he tries to do something like that again? He’s a gross old man, a pervert, why would you ever see him again.”

“I don’t!” said Iyori quickly. “I was scared out of my mind, I was nervous during the whole date because of his age, even if I told myself it didn’t matter, and when I finally started to feel comfortable, he grabbed me out of the blue and tried to kiss me. What I wanted to do most of anything, was to run far away. But...”

“But?” asked Shuya when Iyori didn’t finish her sentence.

“I didn’t want a bad review,” started Iyori, but when she saw the rage in Shuya’s eyes grow bigger, she quickly followed up. “Besides, he had this sad look in his eyes. As if he was actually sorry for what he did.”

“Of course he did, he knew exactly how to manipulate you,” said Shuya and looked away. “Ugh I’m gonna kill this guy!”

“Shuya!” yelled Iyori.

“No, a man like that doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as you and me,” said Shuya loud and clear. “Give me his contact info, I’ll go make sure he never requests you again.”

“No,” said Iyori and grabbed Shuya’s hand, watching as the anger in his eyes faded a little. “I don’t want that. And you promised me, you promised me you would never let your anger get the best of you again.” The tension in Shuya’s hand slowly disappeared and his body started relaxing. 

“You’re right... nothing good would come out of it... I’m sorry,” said Shuya and smiled. “It’s just, the thought of you going on a date with a creep like him again makes me so mad, and... and worried.” This time Iyori widened her eyes, surprised and embarrassed at the same time.

“Thank you,” said Iyori while looking away. “For... for worrying about me. But I can take care of myself. I don’t need you to protect me.”

“I know,” said Shuya and they both let go of each other’s hands.

“Alright, should we go study now?” said Iyori and Shuya suddenly started laughing.

“You sure are eager to study today,” said Shuya, but slowly started walking, Iyori following right after.

“Wait,” said Shuya then. “You said something about some weird texts, what was that about?” Iyori gulped, having been sure he had overheard that part. 

“That was nothing,” said Iyori and waved her hands.

“Just tell me, who else do you need me to beat up?”

“No one!” yelled Iyori, but Shuya started laughing again.

“I’m joking, I’m joking... sorry,” said Shuya. “But please tell me.” Iyori looked at Shuya who was smiling ever so bright, but the image of his bloodshot eyes lingered in her mind and her mouth felt like it was glued.

“I... I just... I got some spam emails, that’s all,” said Iyori and Shuya raised an eyebrow. “Seriously, it was only that, I just got freaked out because of the whole situation. It was stupid.”

“Really?” said Shuya.

“Really!” said Iyori and nodded.

“Fine,” said Shuya and let out a sigh. “But if anything happens, make sure you call me up and tell me.” Iyori looked at Shuya without giving a response.

“Promise me.”

“Fine, I promise,” said Iyori and Shuya smiled again.

“Good, now let’s look at those studies.

“Do we have to?” said Iyori and threw her head back. “I feel like I know enough now to at least pass my midterms.”

“Just pass?” The words felt like a curse to Shuya. “Don’t think like that.”

“What? I thought the whole point of our study dates was for me to pass my exams?”

“Yes, of course,” said Shuya and started walking further into the library, towards their usual table in their usual corner. “But passing is just the first step. Don’t you want to aim a little higher? If not to prove something to your dad, then at least to prove something to yourself?” Iyori looked at Shuya for a second, before pulling out her chair and sitting down.

“I don’t know,” said Iyori in a low voice, hoping it wouldn’t annoy those around them. Luckily, there weren’t a lot of people in the library today.

“You should know!” said Shuya, louder than he intended and he quickly lowered his voice again. “You should care, way more than you do.”

“Well, I don’t,” said Iyori and crossed her arms. Shuya let out a sigh and sat down next to her. Iyori opened her books, but Shuya didn’t follow or even started teaching. Instead he kept going back and forth in his mind, until suddenly, a light when on and he snapped his fingers.

“I have it!”

“What do you have?” asked Iyori.

“You need a goal, that way you will start caring more. A goal with a purpose, a reward.”

“I’m listening...”

“So, if you got 75 out of 100 correct–”

“Woah, hold it right there,” said Iyori immediately. “That’s impossible.”

“Just let me finish,” said Shuya. “If you get 75 out of 100, I will buy you dinner every day for a whole week. We’ll eat whatever you want and you can eat how much you want.”

“Do you really think that would get me to go along with your impossible request?”

“It’s not impossible, you’re improving more and more these days, I wouldn’t suggest this if I didn’t think you’re up for it,” said Shuya. “And you love food, besides, if I take you out for a whole week, that means less time for dates with creeps like that other guy.”

“I thought we finished talking about him.”

“We did, we did,” said Shuya quickly. “Anyway, are you interested or what?” Iyori looked into Shuya’s eyes, no emotion showing, and Shuya looked back, waiting in anticipation.

“I’m interested.”


The way home felt lonely than usual and when Shuya had offered to walk her home, she almost agreed, but in the end her pride wouldn’t let her. He would keep asking questions and eventually, she would cave in and tell him everything. She didn’t even dare to think about how he would react if he saw the messages.

While walking, Iyori took out her phone and looked at it. The person hadn’t contacted her again. Maybe it really was spam, like she told Shuya. In many ways that would make everything better, for some reason, lying to Shuya gave her a nagging feeling in her chest and she didn’t know how to remove it.

“It’s nothing,” whispered Iyori to herself. “I didn’t lie because it really is nothing.” While repeating the same words over and over to herself, she soon reached her house and felt relieved when she stepped inside and closed the door behind her. 

“You’re home,” said Hina and popped her head out of the kitchen, scaring Iyori in the process so she made a little jump.

“Mom, you’re up?” said Iyori.

“It’s not that late,” said Hina and pointed to the clock hanging on the wall in the hallway. It really wasn’t that late, maybe it was just because it got dark a little earlier in autumn and winter.

“I just finished cleaning up the dishes. I hope you ate dinner,” said Hina.

“I did,” said Iyori and walked inside. 

“We miss you,” said Hina all of a sudden, her voice a lot lower and more fragile. Iyori stopped walking, but she didn’t turn around, instead she kept her eyes on the floor.

“I know things haven’t been easy for you lately, and things between you and your father have been tense, but we still miss you, I still miss you,” continued Hina, every word cutting deep into Iyori’s heart. “Can’t you eat at home, at least some days.” Iyori stayed silent for a while and so did Hina, the tension in the air thick enough that you could cut it with a knife.

“Sorry,” said Iyori in the end and quickly walked to her room where she closed the door tight. She felt the tears welling up, but she held them in, knowing well enough that Hanako would be able to tell when she saw her.

With her back still placed against the door, she felt a push and moved forward, whereafter he sister entered. Her hair was wet and her face was clean of makeup.

“You’re home early,” said Hanako when she saw Iyori and her nagging voice quickly removed all tension from her heart.

“Yeah,” said Iyori. “Are you done washing up?”

“It’s all yours,” said Hanako and gestured towards the door. Iyori nodded and grabbed the handle, but before she was able to open the door, she felt her phone vibrate and she quickly reached for it. After unlocking the screen, she stared at it for several seconds, Hanako standing behind her, watching in confusion.

“What is it?” asked Hanako after a while and tried to look over Iyori’s shoulder, but Iyori quickly hid her phone.

“It’s nothing,” said Iyori and smiled. Hanako just rolled her eyes.

“Fine, it’s probably your boyfriend,” said Hanako and Iyori looked right at her. “It must’ve been a juicy message.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” said Iyori and Hanako just nodded.

“Yes yes.” 

“You’re impossible,” said Iyori and left the room, walking to the bathroom where she locked the door. She immediately looked at her phone again, scanning the picture sent to her. Mao had his hands on her cheeks and his face was close to hers. Her hands started sweating, and it didn’t get better when she read the text following.


Iyori looked at herself in the mirror, her face pale as a sheet. Her throat felt like it was closing in on her and she threw her phone on the sink in horror.

Who is he, what does he want, how did he get that photo, who took it, did he, why? Why? The questions kept overflowing in her head and it only got worse the more time passed.

For a second, Shuya’s face suddenly popped up in her mind and the words he spoke earlier in the day echoed. “Call me if something happens.” This was definitely something. Maybe he could help? He would surely take it seriously. He always did. He always cared.

With the phone in her hands, Iyori looked at Shuya’s contact information, her finger lingering over the call button. 

No, thought Iyori and turned off her phone. He cares... too much. He wouldn’t make her feel safe, he would only make her worry.

No, thought Iyori again, I have to deal with this out on my own.

Hello everyone

I really loved writing the date with Mao. Writing this book with Iyori having the job she has, really is great. I mean I get to write all sorts of different romantic scenarios and if you know me, then you know I'm having the time of my life!

I hope you're also having the time of your life reading this book. A lot of things happened in this chapter and I'm excited to hear your thoughts on it. Please let me know in the comments down below.

Take good care of yourself and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

Esrah - Jan 12 2022
Great chapter as always, it was interesting to see her work again and how she handles an uncomfortable situation. Seeing Shuya care so much about her was also really cute. But I'm a little afraid what her decision at the end of the chapter will lead to. It does sound like she has a stalker. I'm just curious to see if it's one of he clients we've already seen up until this point
Annalise - Jan 19 2022
I'm happy you liked the chapter, and yes Shuya is a cute little worrywart! Let's see what happens ;)
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