Chapter 21

“Finally!” exclaimed Iyori when she stood in front of the entrance to the large building with a huge sign on top of it reading “Kyoto Cake Museum”.

“4 days of boring trips to places I’ve been before,” whispered Iyori while everyone else had already started entering. “All of it, just for this moment.”

“Are you coming?” asked Shuya, who had taken a few steps ahead, only to notice that Iyori was still standing way behind him, staring at the building in awe.

“Coming!” yelled Iyori and ran up to him. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Shuya laughed quietly, something Iyori didn’t seem to notice. He just didn’t know anyone else who would be that excited to visit the Kyoto Cake Museum.

“What is it?” said Iyori when she looked up and noticed the smile on Shuya’s face.

“Nothing,” said Shuya quickly and brushed it off.

After walking inside, the first thing on the agenda was a guided tour through the history of cake in Japan. Listening to a thorough explanation about different methods to make cake and how it had evolved through time, made Iyori feel more and more hungry. When the tour was finally over, she was thrilled to get in line at the small tea room. While waiting she looked at all the different kinds of cake they had on the menu, and she was barely able to make a choice before it was her turn. In the end she settled for a warm cup of tea, served with a piece of Wagashi. She happily carried her cup and plate to a table and sat down, feeling her entire body calm down.

“Are you gonna eat that?” asked Shuya after sitting down next to Iyori, having watched her the entire time he was standing in line. She hadn’t even touched the cake yet.

“It’s just so sad,” said Iyori while still staring at her cake. “It’s so small, in the matter of seconds it will be gone. And then that’s it. It’s over. The end.”

“You sure know how to be dramatic, don’t you?” said Shuya, but Iyori didn’t answer and just kept staring at the cake, so Shuya leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh.

“I’ll buy you another piece after you finish that one.”

“Really?” said Iyori loud and clear, looking up at Shuya with huge puppy eyes. “I thought we were only allowed 1 piece pr. person.”

“The tickets for the museum are free, I think my dad can spare some money for one more cake,” said Shuya. Iyori didn’t need any more persuasion. She devoured the cake in the matter of seconds, a huge smile of satisfaction spread across her lips. She finished it off by sipping the warm tea while leaned back in her chair, looking deeply and utterly satisfied.

“Did you want another piece?” asked Shuya while looking at Iyori. “Or are you already full?”

“I’m never full,” said Iyori and handed Shuya her cup and plate.

“I’ll be right back,” said Shuya and went back in line to get a refill. Iyori could already taste the next piece as she saw Shuya pointing at it when he reached the counter. She didn’t even tell him what to buy, but she trusted him enough to know her taste by now.

“I don’t understand how this place could make you change your mind about going.” Iyori turned around and saw Hanako standing next to her. She looked at the empty chair next to Iyori and quickly sat down, something that only made Iyori roll her eyes.

“It’s a cake museum,” answered Iyori. “Cake. Museum. Of course it convinced me.”

“I still don’t get it.”

“Here you go,” said Shuya and handed Iyori her cup and plate with a new piece of cake on it.

“Thank you,” said Iyori and took a bite, which immediately brought another smile to her face. “Delicious!”

“I’m glad you like it,” answered Shuya and looked at Hanako who was sitting on his chair.

“I’m sorry, did I take your seat?” said Hanako as she felt his eyes on her.

“No no, it’s fine. You two barely saw each other doing the whole trip. You can catch up,” said Shuya and walked away before either of the girls could say anything.

“You two have really gotten close, haven’t you?” asked Hanako once Shuya was out of sight.

“So what?” said Iyori, not even reluctant to deny her accusation. At this point it would be ignorant to do so, even Iyori knew their relationship had changed since they first met.

“Did you forget what I told you back in spring? He’s not good company,” said Hanako. 

Iyori swallowed the last piece of cake on her plate and looked at Hanako. The scenes from the beach came flashing back to her and she found herself unable to answer.

“What? What is it?” said Hanako, quickly noticing the change in expression on Iyori’s face.

“Nothing...” said Iyori.

“It’s not nothing, I can tell when you’re hiding something,” said Hanako firmly. “Did something happen?”

“No... maybe... it’s nothing!” said Iyori, going back and forth on whether or not to tell her.

“So something did happen?”

“Okay maybe something did happen, but so what? That has nothing to do with you!”

“Of course it does, I’m your sister. I don’t want you to spend time with someone like him.” Iyori looked at Hanako, feeling her blood starting to boil.

“Oh yeah? Is that so?” said Iyori, more annoyed than ever. “I bet that’s how anyone would think about me as well. I’m the one who’s bad news. I’m the one people should avoid. So maybe I shouldn’t be the first to judge. And maybe you should mind your own business.” Hanako was just about to throw another argument at Iyori, but before she did, Iyori got up from the chair, took her empty cup and plate and walked away.


“So you’re going home tomorrow?” asked Yusuke on the phone while Shuya lied on his bed in the hotel room.

“Yeah, 5 days sure go by fast,” answered Shuya.

“Sure does,” said Yusuke and quickly continued. “How are things going between you and Iyori?”

“How are things going? Like usual, I guess,” said Shuya, not really thinking too deeply about the question, but his poor response resulted in a deep sigh from Yusuke.

“Dude, what are you doing?” said Yusuke loudly and Shuya moved the phone away from his ear slightly.

“What’s with the shouting? And what are you so upset about?” said Shuya loudly back at Yusuke. “Things are going... well... between us...” Without really revealing anything, Shuya spoke softly and Yusuke understood everything just fine.

“You said things were going ‘like usual’,” said Yusuke. “But do you really want things to continue being ‘like usual’? Why haven’t you used the opportunity to get closer to Iyori? Or maybe tell her how you feel?”

“Tell her how I feel?” said Shuya and felt his heart beating faster. “I... I don’t even know how I feel.”

“If you don’t, then you’re the most ignorant person I’ve ever met,” said Yusuke. “Come on, everyone can see it, why can’t you two just get together already?”

Scenes of Shuya and Iyori hanging out together, going on dates, studying for school, having dinner, everything flashed by in Shuya’s head for a split second. But all the nice memories did nothing but leave an empty space, a black hole in his mind. What was real? Was any of it?

“Iyori and I are just friends,” said Shuya and pushed his thoughts as far away as possible. “I don’t feel anything for her, and she surely doesn’t feel anything for me.”

“Ah... so that’s what this is about?” said Yusuke and Shuya held his breath. “You’re scared to tell her because you think she doesn’t feel the same way.”

“What? No! That’s not... I don’t...”

“No no, I get it, the thought of rejection is scary,” continued Yusuke.

“Look, I’m telling you that’s not–” Shuya was suddenly interrupted when he heard the door to his room open and saw his roommate, Masashi, stepping inside.

“I thought I’d find you here,” said Masashi when he noticed Shuya sitting on his bed. “We were talking about going for a walk in the city. You know, since it’s our last night on the trip.”

“That sounds good,” said Shuya. “Yusuke I’ve gotta go.”

“This conversation isn’t over!” said Yusuke in an overly dramatic voice and Shuya let out a chuckle.

“Yes yes,” said Shuya. “I’ll see you Monday.”

“Sure. Don’t go faint again.”

“Ha ha, very funny,” said Shuya. “But I’m not afraid of the dark.”

“You never know,” said Yusuke before they ended the call. 

“So, who’s joining us on this late night walk?” asked Shuya while he walked around the room to get his jacket and shoes. “Is everyone joining or is it just our class?”

“I think it’s just our class,” answered Masashi who was still standing in the doorway. Shuya sent an ‘OK’ sign with his hand and finished tying his shoes, whereafter he followed Masashi and left the room.

Once they got outside, Shuya saw the rest of the class standing together, mixed into several small groups, looking warm and fuzzy in their warm jackets and scarfs and hats. Even if it was only the beginning of Autumn, it was still cold, especially this late at night. 

Shuya walked around in circles for a while, looking at every face in every little group of people, but it was hard to get a good look at people in the darkness, even if the streetlights did cast some light upon them. Then, he finally noticed a certain someone and he felt his shoulders relax as he walked over to her. He gently grabbed her arm, but when she turned around, he felt nothing but disappointment.

“Sorry, it’s just me,” said Hanako when she saw the expression on Shuya’s face. Shuya quickly let go of Hanako’s arm once he realized he was still holding onto it and spoke up:

“Where’s your sister?”

“She said she ate too much cake.”

“What?” said Shuya and Hanako rolled her eyes.

“She didn’t want to go for a walk,” said Hanako. “She made up a bad excuse because she didn’t want to go. So she isn’t here and she isn’t coming.” Shuya looked at Hanako who was staring back at him in confusion, noticing his eyes going back and forth as if he was thinking hard about something.

“Excuse me for a sec,” said Shuya then and disappeared before Hanako had a chance to say anything in return. He walked directly to the entrance of the hotel, but just as he was about to go inside, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Wow man, where are you going?” said Masashi and Shuya turned around. “We’re just about to leave.”

“Just go ahead without me, I... I forgot something in my room.” Masashi looked at Shuya in suspicion, but in the end he removed his hand from his shoulder and nodded his head.

“Fine, send a text when you’re on your way and I can send you our location,” said Masashi and Shuya responded with a thumbs up before he quickly moved on.

After seeing the rest of the class starting to walk away from the hotel, towards the inner city, Shuya walked up to the hotel reception. It didn’t take more than a few kind words and caring eyes, before the young hotel receptionist had revealed which hotel room Iyori was staying in, and just another moment later, he was standing in front of her door. He took a short moment to catch his breath and calm down before he knocked on the door and took a step back, waiting for someone to open.

“Shuya?” said Iyori with widened eyes when she opened the door. “What are you doing here?” Shuya opened his mouth, about to speak, when he suddenly took a closer look at Iyori and noticed that she was wearing her pajamas. As a huge contrast to her tough personality, her pajamas was pink and looked warm and fuzzy.

“I...” stuttered Shuya, trying to keep his eyes on Iyori’s, instead of staring at her clothes. “We’re... we’re going for a walk around Kyoto. Since it’s our last night on the trip.”

“Yes, I know that,” said Iyori and leaned against the door frame. “Didn’t my sister tell you that I’m not coming?” Shuya looked at Iyori with a raised eyebrow.

“She told me your horrible excuse, yes,” said Shuya. “What’s that about? It’s our last night on this trip. On our last year in High School. We might never experience a moment like this again, and you’re just gonna sit in your room all night?” Iyori responded with nothing but a shrug and Shuya took in a deep breath.

“No!” said Shuya loud and clear. “You promised me we would make memories on this trip. You can’t go back on your word now.” The bold statement from Iyori made her cheeks change to a slightly pinker color and she found herself holding her breath, unable to come up with anything intelligent to say.

“I...” said Iyori and looked away.

“Well?” said Shuya. Iyori looked up and then rolled her eyes before she walked back into the room and closed the door.

“Wha–” muttered Shuya when he stared at the door. He started knocking again, more determined than ever, only to be stopped by Iyori’s voice from inside.

“Chill out, I need to change out of my pajamas first.” Shuya stopped his hand mid air and then slowly pulled it back, feeling a smile forming on his face.

A few minutes went by before Iyori opened the door again, this time with a huge jacket on and a scarf rolled around her neck.

“It’s not winter yet,” said Shuya when he saw her getup.

“I get cold easily,” said Iyori and walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. “Should we get going?”

The city gave off a completely different vibe at night. There was something mystical about it, about the night and the darkness. It felt almost magical when you walked around on the small streets with the streetlights on, and you could look up and see the black sky. 

First, they walked down a busy street with a lot of people. On one side there were several food stalls, still open this late at night, and the light from each stall led the two young people on their way.

“Where are the others?” asked Iyori while they walked further down the street.

“I messaged Masashi a while ago, but he hasn’t replied yet,” said Shuya and Iyori looked at him in horror. 

“Don’t look at me like that, we’ll find them soon enough.” Iyori looked away from Shuya and instead stared right ahead of them.

“You’re gonna get us lost.”

“What?” said Shuya, unable to hear what Iyori had said, but she simply shook her head.

“Nothing, let’s keep going,” said Iyori. 

And so they did. They walked down several streets like the one they started on. Through huge masses of people, then through smaller masses of people and after a while, the streets seemed almost empty, deserted of all life. 

The streets became smaller, more confusing. They made twists and turns at every corner, making it impossible to remember where you came from or understand where you wanted to go. But least of all, with every street they went through, it became further and further between the streetlights.

“We’re lost,” said Iyori. “We’re lost, like, really really lost.”

“No, calm down,” said Shuya in a tense voice. “I’m sure they’re just around the corner.”

“You said that before, but they aren’t here,” said Iyori and shook her head while moving forward.

“No, we really are lost,” continued Iyori in a fearful voice. “We’re lost, no one knows where we are. We’ll be attacked by thieves or rapists or human traffickers and we’ll never be found. We’ll be sold as slaves or worse.”

“I think your imagination is running wild,” said Shuya and laughed, hoping a little laughter would light up the mood, but the glare from Iyori quickly made him realize he made a wrong call. “Sorry, you’re right, it’s not funny.” Shuya suddenly stopped walking for a moment and took a look around.

“Let’s go that way,” said Shuya and pointed to a side street. Iyori followed his finger and widened her eyes when she looked down the dark, narrow path and gulped.

“B... But... there are no streetlamps?” Shuya looked again, completely missing that detail the first time he looked.

“Oh, true, you’re right,” said Shuya. “But we have our phones.” Shuya took a step forward, but stopped again when he noticed Iyori wasn’t moving.

“No... No! I’m not going!” said Iyori loud and clear while diverting her eyes. “I’m not going down that street.”

“What? Why not?” asked Shuya and turned back, walking up to Iyori so he was standing face to face with her.

“I... I just won’t do it,” stuttered Iyori. “Let’s go that way instead.” Iyori pointed straightforward and Shuya let out a sigh.

“That’s a dead end.”

“Oh...” said Iyori and turned around. “Then let’s just go back.”

“But then we’ll never find the others.”

“Maybe they’re already back at the hotel,” argued Iyori. “We’ve been walking for quite some time.

“Nobody is going home that quickly, it’s the last night,” said Shuya and took a step closer, looking directly into Iyori’s eyes. “What’s this really about?” Iyori tried to look away, but Shuya’s gaze made it impossible, making her realize she had to speak up.

“I just don’t feel like going that way,” said Iyori again.

“Yes, I got that already,” said Shuya. “But why? What’s– Wait... are you perhaps... scared of the dark?” Iyori gulped again, but forced herself to retain eye contact.

“N... No...” stuttered Iyori, but she noticed a smile appearing on Shuya’s face.

“You’re scared of the dark! You said you weren’t scared of anything, but you are,” said Shuya and crossed his arms, thriving by seeing Iyori’s cheeks turn redder and redder.

“Okay you’re right...” said Iyori finally. “I’m scared of the dark, are you happy now?”

“Yes. Very happy!” said Shuya and let out a huff of air. “Now, let’s get going.”

“Wait, what?” replied Iyori. “Didn’t you hear what I just said? I’m not going that way.”

“Sure you are,” said Shuya and carefully took her hand in his. “You helped me face my fears before. I’ll help you now.”

“I helped you?” said Iyori and drew her hand away. “You passed out.”

“Okay true, but I’m a huge coward,” said Shuya with no shame. “You’re not. You’re stronger than you think. I know you can do it.” Once again, Shuya got a hold of Iyori’s hand and this time he got a firm grip, showing no intention of letting go. Iyori looked down at their hands and then up at Shuya. Seeing his calm and fearless eyes made her heart calm down a little. She took in a deep breath and nodded, whereafter they both started walking down the dark street.

It didn’t last long though, until a sudden noise scared Iyori so her soul nearly left her body.

“What was that?” yelled Iyori and stopped walking.

“I don’t know,” said Shuya. “Let’s just move on.” Iyori nodded and did as Shuya said, but shortly after, another noise startled her and she stopped again, this time also jumping half a meter up in the air.

“What was that now?” Shuya just let out a sigh in response and looked at Iyori.

“You... you’re right... it was nothing,” continued Iyori.

“Exactly, now let’s move on.” Iyori nodded again and they walked a few more steps ahead.

“Don’t get scared everytime you hear a noise. You only notice all these sounds because it’s so dark. If it was daytime, you wouldn’t even pay attention to these sounds,” explained Shuya while they walked.

“R... Really?” stuttered Iyori.

“Yes, really,” answered Shuya. “So you just have to keep moving forward and we’ll be out on one of the bigger streets again soon, I’m sure.”

“O... Okay...” Shuya squeezed Iyori’s hand for a second, making sure she knew he was right there next to her, he wasn’t going to let go or leave her.

For a while they continued walking, and walking, the street looking like it had no end. But the long street only made it possible for Iyori to practice hard on restraining herself everytime she heard a sound or noise from something, and after a while, she somehow managed to calm herself so much that it was possible. But Shuya still felt her hand stiffen when she heard something, so he always gave her a little squeeze when it happened.

When they turned yet another corner and all they saw was another long, dark street, Shuya had to hold his breath, in order to not make Iyori any more scared than she already was, but when he suddenly felt something vibrating in his pocket, it was his turn to jump, and Iyori followed right after.

“What? What’s happening?” yelled Iyori while she stood with closed eyes and held on to Shuya’s hand tight.

“It’s okay, it’s just my phone,” said Shuya and reached for his phone. “It’s Masashi, he sent their location.” Iyori opened her eyes completely and walked even closer to Shuya, looking at his phone’s screen over his shoulder.

“It looks like they’re just around the corner,” said Shuya and held the phone closer to Iyori so she could se properly. “I mean it literally this time.” 

“Thank goodness!” said Iyori and felt so relieved she started laughing. Shuya laughed along with her and then pulled her along as he started walking again. 

“Come on, let’s find them.”

Hello everyone!

For a lot of people, this is a week of holidays. If the same goes for you, I hope you are enjoying your time with friends and family and find some time for relaxation as well.

If, on the other hand, you are a busy student preparing for a project or something else, I wish you all the best. Work hard! FIGHTING! You can do it!

Anyway, this will be the last update of this year. Soon we'll enter 2022. I don't even know what to expect after the last two years, but I really hope the pandemic will calm down soon and things can go back to normal. Let's all work had to stay positive and healthy. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will continue to enjoy reading this novel in 2022 as well.

That's all for now, I'll see you in 2022.

Love, Annalise~

Esrah - Dec 30 2021
I just caaaaaan't, they are soooo cute together. I like how they work through their fears together as a team, supporting the other person. Great chapter as always!
Annalise - Jan 03 2022
Yayyyyy!!!! I also loved writing this chapter, I think they've come a long way since they first met, by now they pretty much can't get by without each other hehe!
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