Chapter 16


Man, it’s so hot. I can’t even think 



You’re right... and the weather report says it will continue for the next week or more 



No, please no, I’m dying 



Don’t you guys have air con in your house? 



Stop boasting, we know you’re rich already 



Even with air con I’m dying 



I just feel like throwing myself in a bucket of cold water these days 



We should go to the beach! That would help cool us down 



The beach? 



That doesn’t sound too bad... what do you guys say? It’s a good way to end our summer holidays 



I’m in, anything to help cool me off 






Alright, sounds like fun. When should we go? 



How about the day after tomorrow? 



Works for me 



Me too 



Me too 



Fine, now we just need the boy who disappeared and the girl who never shows up in this group chat, to reply... 










Alright I’m here... 

I don’t really know... 



What? You have to come! 

And so does Iyori 



Yes, Shuya, can you get a hold of her? 




I’ll get back to you 


Iyori looked at her phone’s lock screen which was covered in a zillion unread messages. She quickly scrolled through them all, making sure not to open the group chat, knowing they would be able to see that she had read them, meaning she had to give a reply. Instead she turned off her phone again and put it in her pocket. She picked up the glass of cold water and walked outside where Aiko was sitting in the garden. 

“Thank you so much,” said Aiko when Iyori handed her the water. “You should get something too, it’s really warm today.” 

“I drank something while I was in the kitchen,” said Iyori and sat down on the chair next to Aiko. It really was too warm to be inside. 

The garden wasn’t big or well kept, but it was a wonderful asset on a warm day like this. She felt bad for Hina and Hanako who were down in the city to buy groceries. Carrying all that heavy stuff home in the blazing sun wasn’t fun, but it had to be done. 

“How are you feeling?” asked Iyori and looked at Aiko who was still sweating, even though she already drank all her water. 

“Honestly, I’m not feeling that well,” said Aiko and flashed a nervous smile. “At this point I just want the baby to be born already.” 

“You're almost due, it could be any day now,” said Iyori, trying to be positive. 

“Better if it happen today than tomorrow, with this heat I’m just constantly feeling uncomfortable,” said Aiko and picked up the paper fan lying on the small garden table and started fanning herself. 

“Please let me know if I can do anything for you,” said Iyori and Aiko nodded. 

Sitting in silence, both of them leaned back in the chair and closed their eyes, trying to focus their minds on something besides the heat. Feeling thankful every time even the slightest breeze moved through the garden, giving them a few seconds where they could finally breathe again. The sun was relentless in August, the hottest month of the year. 

Interrupting her time of meditation, Iyori felt her phone vibrating and she stood up. She took a quick look at her phone to see who was calling, but the reaction following was nothing but a deep sigh. 

“Hello,” said Iyori, answering the call anyway. 

“Hello, it’s Shuya,” said Shuya and Iyori took a step away from Aiko, not wanting to disturb her with their conversation. 

“Yes, what is it?” asked Iyori, standing in the shadow from a tree not much taller than her. “We’re not studying today if that’s what this is about. My brain is not going to work in this heat.” 

“No no, I wouldn’t want to study either when it’s like this,” said Shuya quickly. “It’s about the Art Club. You saw the messages in the group chat, right?” Iyori went silent for a second before she answered. 

“What messages?” 

“Oh stop it, I know you read all of them. I know you!” Iyori snorted. 

“So what if I have, what about it?” 

“Well, are you coming?” Iyori went silent again, for much longer this time. She already knew what her answer was, so why was it so hard to get across her lips? 

“I’m not coming,” said Iyori in a low voice with no strength. 

“Why?” said Shuya immediately, almost like he had been ready to be shot down the first time. “Even you must be eager to go somewhere to cool down these days. You just said you couldn’t think during this heat.” 

“I know!” said Iyori, a little too loud and she quickly toned it down. “I know that, but my sister-in-law is due later this week. She could go into labor at any time. I should be here in case I need to help with something.” Iyori’s serious tone made Shuya turn quiet, unable to give a response right away. 

“I see...” said Shuya after what felt like an eternity. “In that case, it can’t be helped.” Iyori could hear the disappointment in his voice, making her heart beat faster all of a sudden. 

“Yeah... it can’t...” said Iyori. “But... say hi to the others from me... and enjoy your time there.” Iyori waited for an answer but when she didn’t get any, she continued: 


“Yes!” said Shuya, almost like he had forgotten that they were talking. “To be honest, I don’t know if I’m going either.” 

“What? Why? You were the one who was so keen on going!” Again, silence overtook the phone call, but somehow Iyori didn’t feel like she had to call out to him again. Instead, she waited, until she heard a sigh coming from the other end of the line, followed by the words: 

“It just wouldn’t be the same if you... if we aren’t all there together.” With those words, Shuya ended the call without a single heads up or even a goodbye, leaving Iyori dumbfounded, confused about those last words of his. He was acting stranger with every day passing by. 

After standing with her phone in her hand for a while, Iyori eventually turned it off again and put it back in her pocket, whereafter she went back to Aiko, who was staring at her from afar. 

“Sorry if I disturbed you with my conversation,” said Iyori as she sat down. Aiko looked at her with the same tired smile as earlier and simply shook her head. 

“Don’t worry about it, I just hope everything is alright.” Aiko looked at Iyori with worried eyes. 

“Of course it is, why wouldn’t it be?” asked Iyori, wondering how much of her conversation Aiko could’ve heard. Aiko shrugged her shoulders, giving no answers to Iyori’s questions. 

Once again, time stood still in the garden and no words were spoken between the two, but this time, it wasn’t very relaxing for Iyori. Shuya’s words kept echoing in her head and Aiko’s weird question also replayed over and over again. Until Iyori finally gave in, straightening her back and turning to face Aiko. 

“It was my classmate who called me,” said Iyori and Aiko quickly turned her head. “He was calling on behalf of the Art Club. It seems like they have planned an outing, to go to the beach on the day after tomorrow.” Aiko slowly nodded her head while listening. 

“Well that sounds like fun, especially in this weather,” said Aiko. 

“Yes, but I already told him I’m not going,” said Iyori. 

“Why not?” asked Aiko and Iyori opened her mouth, but before she could begin her explanation, Aiko spoke again. “Don’t use me as an excuse. I’m not due until later this week. Why should you pause your life because of that?” 

“But!” yelled Iyori. “You might go into labor earlier than predicted. I know I’m not the most helpful. I don’t have any experiences with childbirths like mom, and I’m not as smart as Hanako, but even still, I want to be there. I want to help.” Aiko looked at Iyori who had her eyes focused on the ground, too embarrassed to look up after pouring her heart out like that, and Aiko couldn’t help but let out a silent chuckle. 

“Thank you,” said Aiko and Iyori finally looked up again. “I am sure you would be very helpful, and I want you there.” Iyori felt a smile appear on her face, but it didn’t last long as Aiko quickly continued speaking. 

“Even still, you have to go.” 

“What?” said Iyori. 

“Hello? Is anyone home?” Hina’s voice interrupted their conversation and before long both Hina and Hanako appeared in the door to the garden, hands full of groceries. 

“There you are,” said Hina and smiled, until she took a closer look at the situation. “My my, why is it so gloomy out here?” 

“It’s not gloomy, Iyori has just been invited to go to the beach with her friends from the Art Club,” said Aiko and smiled. 

“Really?” said Hina, happy knowing that Iyori wasn’t isolating herself as much anymore. “When is it?” 

“There’s no point in talking about this, because I won’t go,” said Iyori and before Hina could comment on it, Aiko added: 

“It’s the day after tomorrow.” This time Hina’s smile was the one that disappeared. 

“But... that isn’t long before you’re due,” said Hina. “What if you go into labor while she’s there? Shouldn’t the family be together?” 

“Of course it should,” said Aiko. “But we don’t even know when I will give birth. I might be early, I might be late, no matter what, I still think Iyori should go. I don’t want her to miss out on all the fun, just because of me.” 

“Do you even want to go to the beach?” asked Hanako, who hadn’t spoken up until now. “I thought you didn't care much about the people in the Art Club.” 

“Why does it matter? I said I’m not going.” 

“Is it because of him?” asked Hanako and Iyori widened her eyes. 

“Him?” asked Hina and she and Aiko looked at Iyori curiously. 

“Iyori did say it was a boy who called her to ask if she was coming,” said Aiko 

“Stop it, it has got nothing to do with him!” said Iyori quickly. 

“It’s the one we talked about before,” explained Hanako. “The top student who has a bad reputation.” 

“Really?” said Hina, the concern even more evident on her face than before. “Iyori, I hope you are being careful.” 

“Of course I am, besides, it has got nothing to do with Shuya,” said Iyori and continued, “It’s true that I wanted to go... but only a little bit. I thought... It probably wouldn’t hurt to go out with some friends... once in a while...” It turned completely silent in the garden, making Iyori feel even more embarrassed about what she said, but all she could do was wait, until someone would make some sort of reaction. 

“Then go,” said Aiko, the first one to speak up. “I’m pretty sure this baby won’t come until next week. And even if we are unlucky, we will find a way to work things out.” Iyori looked at Aiko, going over all the possible scenarios in her head. 

“Are you sure?” asked Iyori and then turned to look at Hina. “Mom? What do you think.” 

“I agree, you should go.” Unable to contain her happiness anymore, a smile filled Iyori’s entire face and she quickly thanked her mother and Aiko, whereafter she ran inside. 

“How could I have said no after that?” said Hina with a sigh and Aiko smiled. 

“I know, she is very sweet, even if she doesn’t always show it,” said Aiko and then looked down at her belly, gently rubbing it with her hand. “Now then, you will have to stay in there a little while longer. Let’s give your aunt Iyori some time to have fun.” 



I’ll come. 



Really? Yay!!!!!!!! 



Are you for real? I did not expect that. 



That’s wonderful to hear, we decided to stay in a cabin for the night. 



Let’s hope we don’t meet any ghosts. 



Don’t say that, you’re making me not want to go. 






There won’t be any ghosts, Yusuke is just being stupid. 



I’m coming too. 



Great! Then the whole club will be there. 



Let’s meet at the train station. I’ll see you then. 


Shuya looked at his phone and smiled. After reading through the rest of the messages about when they would meet and what they should bring, he turned off his phone and finished writing down the notes he had been taking for math. He still had to read ahead, if he wanted to be able to help Iyori get up to date. 

Just as he was about to turn the page of his textbook, he felt his phone vibrate and he checked to see if another message had been sent in the group chat, but to his surprise, it was a private message from Yusuke. 



You sure replied fast when you knew Iyori was coming. 



I don’t know what you’re talking about, now stop disturbing me, I need to study. 

Btw so should you, if you want to go have fun for two days straight. 


Shuya wrote and sent the snarky message, but on his face was nothing but a huge smile. He once again turned off his phone and went back to his studies, but even after reading through the entire page of the textbook, he had to go back and start again. His mind was too filled with other things, that he couldn’t even take in the words he was reading, so in the end, he simply closed the book. 

I need to go get permission to go, thought Shuya to himself. He knew it wasn’t going to be an easy task, his dad would argue that his time was better spend on studying, and he would ask who these people were, whom he would be going with. At least he could always count on his mother to take his side. 

In the end, it didn’t matter much what kind of fuss his father would make. Shuya had to persuade him, there was no turning back now. 

Hello everyone!

I remember writing this chapter on a really warm summer day so I really related to the feeling of wanting to go to the beach. Personally I'd rather it be too cold than too warm. So I'm happy we're approaching winter now and I can snuggle up on the couch with a sweater on a blanket covering me.

What's your favorite season and why?

Also, I hope you liked this chapter. Look forward to the next one! 

Take good care of yourself and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

Esrah - Nov 25 2021
The text style at the start and end was something new, I liked it, it had such a nice flow to it. And all these people telling the protagonists that they like each other is just sooo funny
Annalise - Dec 18 2021
Yeah I pretty much wrote it to look like a group chat, it was really fun and easy to write like that. The words just flew. I'm glad you liked it!
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