Chapter 14

Shuya kept running with all his might, down the streets of Otaru, continuing to be on the lookout for a girl sitting on a bench somewhere while looking depressed. It felt like he had been running around forever and his legs were crying in pain, but in fear that she would eventually get impatient and leave, he didn’t dare slow down. Only for half a minute did he stop in his tracks to look at the GPS on his phone one more time. It should be just around the corner if the location it showed him was correct. 

Giving it his all for the last few miles, he dashed around the corner and kept moving forward until he stood in front of the lone bench with Iyori seated on it, looking up at him with huge confused eyes. 

“S... Shuya?” stuttered Iyori and widened her eyes even more, making it harder to see how swollen they were from all the crying, but it wasn’t enough to hide it from Shuya. While he continued his best to catch his breath, Shuya took a step closer and put both his hands on Iyori’s shoulders and looked her directly in the eyes. 

“What happened?” asked Shuya and saw how Iyori’s lips started trembling, looking like Shuya’s question struck a nerve. 

“Nothing!” said Iyori loudly and she quickly diverted her eyes while she pulled away from Shuya, but he didn’t even move an inch. Having regained his strength completely, he took in a deep breath and stood firm as he said: 

“Of course something happened, why else would you write a message to me like that?” 

“Maybe I am just tired of you always trying to interfere with my life? You only make everything worse,” said Iyori, all the pend up anger inside of her overflowing in the same second. Shuya held his breath for a second, trying to pretend that those words didn’t hurt. Instead he kept his focus on her eyes, those eyes that looked even sadder than before. 

“Were your parents not happy to see the result?” asked Shuya in a low voice and Iyori immediately looked up again, her face a mixture sadness and embarrassment. For a while, Iyori didn’t say anything, she just looked at Shuya, who looked back at her, while he continued to tell himself to stay quiet and wait for her to open up on her own. 

“My... mother... she was happy...” started Iyori in a low voice that sounded almost scared to let the words out. “But my... my dad... he...” Iyori stopped talking when she felt the tears pressing on even harder than before and she knew the next word would be the last drop. With nowhere to run, no strength left in her body, she curled up on the bench and bend her head forward, hiding her face in both her hands, unable to stop her tears for any longer. 

Still standing in front of Iyori, Shuya looked down at the girl who was crying uncontrollably, every cry feeling like a stab to the heart. Eventually, his body moved on its own and he took a seat next to her on the bench and he gently put his arm around her and stroked her back. 

A middle-aged couple suddenly walked by and looked at them with concern, making Shuya extremely aware of the situation and the action he was taking right now. With flushed cheeks he instinctively looked away from Iyori, hoping the couple would just continue on their way without any further ado. No matter how embarrassws he was, he still continued to stroke Iyori’s back, knowing this was the only thing he could do for her right now. 

“I just thought... I thought he would be happy... at least a little bit...” said Iyori in between her sobs. 

“I know...” replied Shuya. 

“I don’t even know why I tried so hard. He will always compare me to Hanako and I can’t be like her no matter what I do.” 

“Of course you can’t, you’re you,” said Shuya and slowly moved away his hand, feeling Iyori regain her strength little by little. “He shouldn’t compare you at all.” 

“All parents compare their kids to each other, you just don’t know because you’re an only child,” said Iyori who had finally lifted her head a little again. “You’re lucky...” 

“I don’t know if I feel very lucky. Being an only child can be pretty lonely,” said Shuya and looked down. 

“Do you want to borrow Hanako? She’s all yours!” Iyori’s sparky remark made Shuya laugh quietly, she was starting to feel more like herself. 

“No thanks, I think I’m good,” said Shuya, whereafter he suddenly got up from the bench again and stretched out his body. 

“Alright, shall we get going?” Iyori sent Shuya a weird look and he quickly followed up with; “We didn’t get to celebrate before, but the night is still young, so why don’t we do it now?” 

“Celebrate?” said Iyori in a dejected voice. “Passing a test with 1 point is not really something worth celebrating. To be honest I can see why my dad wouldn’t be proud of me.” 

“Of course it is worth celebrating! You worked hard to pass that test, and you’ve come a long way. Things like that deserve to be celebrated,” said Shuya and continued before Iyori could get a say. “Come on, let’s jump on a train to Sapporo and we can go to our usual restaurant. I think some food would also do you good and I’m hungry too.” Iyori opened her mouth, ready to give her best reason to turn down Shuya’s request, but in the same second, a loud whale-like noise filled the area and both Shuya and Iyori looked down at her stomach. 

It didn’t take more than a second before Shuya burst out laughing, all the while Iyori was trying to hide her red cheeks and come up with an excuse of some sort. 

“I think your stomach answered for you. Let’s just go already,” said Shuya and held out his hand towards Iyori who was still sitting on the bench. For a moment, Iyori just looked at Shuya’s hand, a million thoughts going through her head, but then, slowly, she reached out her own hand until they joined. 

“Alright, let’s go,” said Shuya and pulled Iyori up from the bench, whereafter he started walking down the street, his hand still holding Iyori’s firmly. 

We’re holding hands, thought Iyori as she continued to stare at their linked hands as the walked. We are holding hands, but it is not a date. He didn’t request me, but we’re still going out. Why are we holding hands? 

Iyori’s mind was going crazy, bombarding her with one question after another and her head started spinning so hard Shuya couldn’t help but take notice. 

“Please don’t give this too much thought,” said Shuya and Iyori looked up, wondering if she perhaps had spoken her thoughts out loud. 

“W... What?” stuttered Iyori. 

“Just bear with me today,” continued Shuya. “I just feel like you will disappear from my sight if I don’t hold onto you. That’s all.” 

“A.. Ah... I see...” said Iyori and looked down again. “I guess that’s fine then...” 


After they reached Sapporo and entered the restaurant, the atmosphere seemed to be lifted and the awkwardness between them immediately disappeared. No matter if it was because of a date request or because of something else, this place belonged to them and they truly felt like they could be themselves whenever they were here. 

“Are you feeling a little better?” asked Shuya after Iyori was done stuffing her face with all the food she could eat. Feeling the seriousness in Shuya’s voice, Iyori looked away, feeling shy as she remembered her behavior from before. 

“I guess,” said Iyori and looked down. 

“I know it’s hard, but you shouldn’t let your dad get you down like that, be proud of yourself for reaching the goal you set.” Iyori nodded, but her eyes still lingered on the floor and she let out a sigh. Silence overtook the table, and the restaurant, empty as it was, suddenly felt even more quiet. 

“Iyori?” said Shuya and Iyori immediately looked up, startled by Shuya’s sudden use of her name. “Are you just doing this to impress your dad?” 

“No, I’m doing it because you’re paying me,” said Iyori in the same snarky tone as she usually spoke in and Shuya let out a slight chuckle. 

“I guess I don’t have to be too worried about you, seeing how you can still talk like that.” 

“You worried about me? That sounds unlikely,” said Iyori. 

“I guess it does,” said Shuya and stood up from his seat. 

“Where are you going?” asked Iyori, her butt still glued to the seat. 

“We should get going, it’s getting late and our parents are probably wondering where we are.” 

“But... I mean... we don’t even have school tomorrow. Summer holiday started today. We don’t have to rush home” said Iyori, even if her entire body was working against her as she spoke those words out loud.

“Is that so?” said Shuya with a raised eyebrow. “What is with you? It’s much later than our usual outings. Perhaps, are you taking a liking to me?” Iyori stuck out her tongue at Shuya’s remark and he immediately started laughing. 

“I just...” said Iyori in a low voice, making Shuya go quiet. “I don’t want to go home... I know my dad will be waiting up for me. And I really don’t want to talk to me.” For a little while, no one said anything and simply stayed in the spot they were standing our sitting in, until suddenly, Shuya held out her hand to Iyori and she looked up in confusion. 

“Come on, you can’t stay here forever. You just have to get it over with,” said Shuya and stretched his hand even further, making Iyori reach out her own hand in response. The second their hands linked, Shuya pulled her up from the seat, giving her a slight surprise, something that seemed to give her back the energy she needed. 

“Alright then.” 

Iyori didn’t even question that they continued to hold hands all the way to the train station, all the time they were on the train and all the way back to her house. Her mind was too busy worrying about her father, barely noticing that Shuya was still walking next to her, until they were standing outside her front door. 

“I... You... You didn’t have to follow me all the way home,” said Iyori and quickly pulled her hand away from Shuya, hoping the dark would make it harder for him to see her slightly red cheeks. 

“You were holding on to me hand and just kept walking, I didn’t feel like saying anything,” said Shuya and looked around. “So this is where you live?” 

“Ah... yes...” said Iyori nervously. 

“I guess I should go home as well,” said Shuya. “But before I go, I want you to promise me that you won’t keep thinking about what your dad said. You aren’t doing this for him, you’re doing it for yourself.” 

“I know...” said Iyori, still feeling embarrassed about the fact that he walked her home. 

“Say it.” Iyori looked at Shuya in confusion as he said those words. 


“I want you to say it out loud; that you aren’t doing it for him.” 

“No, I don’t—” 

“Just say it already!” 

“Alright, alright!” said Iyori and let out a sigh. “I’m... not doing it for him... I’m doing it for myself.” A smile appeared on Shuya’s lips and he gave her a thumbs up. 

“Good, now I can go home without any worries,” said Shuya. “I’ll see you later. Goodnight.” 

“Y... Yes... Goodnight,” said Iyori and waved at Shuya while he walked away from her house. 

Iyori looked at the closed door one more time before internally slapping herself. 

I guess there’s no way around it, she thought as she opened the door and walked inside. 

From the hallway, Iyori spotted the lights on in the living room and she didn’t even bother trying to sneak past her father. Just like Shuya had said, this was something she just had to get over with. 

“You’re home,” said Akihito when Iyori walked inside the living room. Both of them had their eyes focused elsewhere, none of them sure how to start the conversation. 

“We... we don’t have to talk... it’s late and—” 

“No, we need to talk! I want us to be on the same page,” said Akihito. “I don’t want to fight, it makes the atmosphere at home really bad... and... your mother worries too... and it’s hard on your sister.” 

“What about me? Aren’t you worried about me? Aren’t you even worried about where I was all night? You didn’t even try to call me. All you worry about is Hanako.” 

“That is not true, of course I worry about you,” said Akihito. “But I also know you and when you’re throwing a tantrum you always run away like this, so I figured you would come back after you had cooled down a little.” 

“Throwing a tantrum?” said Iyori and felt the anger growing bigger. 

“No... that was a bad word choice...” said Akihito and thought about something else to say, but Iyori’s patience was running out. 

“Don’t worry, I know exactly what you meant,” said Iyori. “and you don’t have to worry about me at all. I will take care of things myself. Besides, you always have Hanako to be the pride of the family. So never mind me, I’m just a ghost living in this house for now.” 

“Iyori! Why do you always have to twist my words and take it to the heart?” said Akihito. “I wanted us to be on the same page, why don’t you try to—” 

“You and I will never be on the same page!” said Iyori firmly and walked out of the living room before Akihito could say anything further. For a second he thought about going after her, but in the end, he stayed in the living room. 

After getting safely to her room, Iyori almost tore off her clothes and threw it in a pile in the corner, before she climbed up the stairs of the bunk beds and crawled underneath the covers. Hanako was lying in her bed below, a faint light still on while she was reading some kind of book, but after Iyori returned, she slowly closed it and looked up. 

“Are you okay?” asked Hanako, but there was no response. “Don’t mind dad, he’s not good with words.” Iyori rolled over on the bed, the sound enough of a response, making Hanako know that she shouldn’t try to pry any further. Instead she grabbed her book and continued reading. 

Iyori pulled her blanket up all the way to her nose, feeling the warmth envelop her and making her beating heart calm down a little. 

I’m not doing it for him, I’m doing it for me. 

While repeating those words in her mind, she slowly drifted off.

Hello everyone!

Family sure is troublesome. Why is it so hard for us to understand the people closest to us?

Anyway, this was the first time Shuya and Iyori ever went on a "date" without it being because of her work. What did you think of the whole situation? Did you like the chapter? Please let me know!

Take good care of yourself and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

Esrah - Nov 13 2021
The beginning of the chapter was so wholesome. I liked how Shuuya treated her and comforted her, it truly showed how much he cares about her. Family can be so troublesome sometimes, but I hope they'll be able to make everything clear. But it was still wrong on so many levels how her father reacted to the good news.
Annalise - Nov 19 2021
Aww thanks, I'm really happy you found it wholesome, so did I. Having someone by your side when something sad happens, really means a lot. And yeah, it was really mean of Iyori's father to react that way!
Anderoth - Apr 13 2022
At least he stayed up and waited until she got home, I guess that’s something
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