
"Dear Choi Yoo Jin, we thank you for your interest in our firm, however we are sad to inform you that we have chosen to hire someone else. We wish you all the best on your job hunt."

Yoo Jin looked to her left where her suitcase was lying on top of her bed, all her clothes scattered around it. She let out a sigh and stood up, walking towards the mess she had created. 

"Dear Choi Yoo Jin, we are sorry to inform you that the position you have applied for, has already been occupied by someone else."

1, 2, 3 folds and the shirt was neatly folded into a perfect square, ready to be packed in her suitcase. She quickly grabbed the next piece of clothing in her reach and started folding it as well. 

"Dear Choi Yoo Jin, although your eagerness and positive personality is a plus, you don't fulfill the requirements for our company. Therefore, we are sorry to inform you that we have hired someone else."

Yoo Jin looked at her fully packed suitcase and reached out to close it, but when she started zipping it from one end to the other, she suddenly got stuck right at the middle. She took a step back and saw the pile of clothes through the crack and she let out a sigh. After pushing back her sleeves, she gathered all her strength and pressed down at the top of the suitcase, whereafter she zipped it all the way through as quickly as she could.

"Done!" she said and exhaled loudly. 

It felt even more real now that she looked at the closed suitcase and turned around to see her empty closet behind her.

"Yoo Jin-a I'm sorry. You're a great tenant, but you have missed rent the last 3 months. I can't let you stay in the apartment anymore. If you're out by the 1st of next month, I'll forget about the unpaid rent. Just… try to remain positive, okay?"

Yoo Jin sat down on the chair and pulled out her phone. She looked at her contact list and skimmed through it. 

She had to do it, there was no other way at this point.

She had already waited until the last minute, she couldn't wait a single second longer.

After counting to three, she pressed down on the contact in the middle of her screen and then held her phone against her ear.

The consistent sound of ringing echoed in her ear again and again, until suddenly, it stopped and Yoo Jin held her breath before she spoke.

"Mom?" she said and listened to the response, "I…" Yoo Jin stopped for a second and then looked at the train ticket in front of her. She reached out for it and then took in a deep breath as she said:

"Can I come home?"


Hello everyone and welcome to this book. I hope you will all enjoy the story and have fun while reading it!

Please feel free to leave a comment below each chapter, to let me know what you think.

Love, Annalise~

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