Chapter 8

"First Priority"

With heavy footsteps, Yoo Jin dragged her almost lifeless body down the street until she finally reached her house and opened the door, but in the same second she did that, she was hit by a loud ear-piercing voice. The voice could cut through marrow and bone, and Yoo Jin could feel the cold sweat slide down her back as she walked inside the house.

"Mom, please calm down," said Yeonjun gentle as possible, while he stood in the other end of the living room, in a safe distance from Jeong-Yeon.

"Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down when my own son is acting like this?" yelled Jeong-Yeon, waving a piece of paper in the air above her head.

"What is going on?" asked Yoo Jin, who had been contemplating for a while if it was safe for her to meddle in the conversation, but seeing her brother's face, painted with a cry for help, she pulled herself together.

"What is going on?" said Jeong-Yeon and turned towards her daughter, "THIS is what is going on." Yoo Jin suddenly received the paper Jeong-Yeon had been holding in her hand and Yoo Jin looked thoroughly at it.

"What is this?" asked Yoo Jin, even more confused about the heated conversation between her mother and brother.

"It is my career plan," said Yeonjun with a sigh, finally daring to take a step closer, since Yoo Jin was standing in the way of their mother.

"Your career plan, where you have written 'to become an idol' as your first priority!" yelled Jeong-Yeon and moved forward, but Yoo Jin got in her way before she could scare away Yeonjun.

"Alright, let's all stay calm," said Yoo Jin, "why don't we wait for dad to come home and we can all discuss this as a family?"

"Did someone ask for me?" said Se Hyeong, who had quietly snuck into the living room while the others were busy arguing.

"Good, you're home," said Yoo Jin and handed him the career plan, making the tall man squeeze his eyes together as he read the page.

"I see you want to become an idol," said Se Hyeong surprised, while looking at his son.

"Y... yeah..." said Yeonjun, nervously moving his feet from side to side.

"No, I will not let this happen!" said Yeong-Jeon hysterically.

"Honey, please calm down, nothing has happened yet," said Se Hyeong, gently laying his hand on her shoulder.

"Nothing has happen, and nothing WILL happen!" said Jeong-Yeon angrily and as she looked at Yeonjun, the same angry expression came right back at her.

"Mom, will you please just listen to me?" said Yeonjun in a loud and firm voice, "did you even look beyond my first priority on the career plan? Did you see what I wrote as my second and third priority?" Jeong-Yeon looked at her son and then looked at her husband who was still holding the paper in his hands. She quickly walked over and scanned through the page, along with Se Hyeong.

"You wrote two different Universities down," said Se Hyeong and Yeonjun nodded before continuing.

"I did," said Yeonjun, "I know too, that it will be hard trying to become an idol. I might not even get accepted by any entertainment company. So don't think I'm going into this blind, without thinking about my future in any way. I will keep working hard in school, just like I have been doing until now. I will work as if I'm going to a University, but it's just a backup plan. My first priority is to audition for different entertainment companies, try to become a trainee, and if it doesn't work out, no harm is done. I will still be able to apply for University."

Yeonjun's parents were both quiet after listening to their son talk and Yoo Jin stayed quiet as well, her heart beating at an intense speed while waiting for a reaction.

"So you will still apply to Universities?" asked Jeong-Yeon, her voice much calmer than before.

"Yes," replied Yeonjun, "but I will also audition for entertainment companies and if I get in, I won't go to a University." It got completely quiet in the living room while Yeonjun and Jeong-Yeon had a staring contest, Se Hyeong and Yoo Jin standing in the background, momentarily looking at each other with the same worried eyes.

"Fine," said Jeong-Yeon then all of a sudden, leaving everyone staring in shock.

"What?" said Yeonjun who was sure he heard it wrong.

"I said it's fine, I will give you a chance," said Jeong-Yeon, "you can try auditioning, I won't stop you, as long as you keep your grades up and prepare for University."

"I will, I promise!" said Yeonjun loudly, unable to hide his relieved smile, and when he looked behind Jeong-Yeon, he saw the same smile on the face of his sister and father.

"I will work hard!" said Yeonjun and Jeong-Yeon nodded.

"Good," said Jeong-Yeon, "do you have any more surprises for me, or can I go cook dinner?"

"No, that's all," said Yeonjun, "do you want help in the kitchen?"

"No, I'll be fine, just go to your room and study until dinner is ready."

"I will," said Yeonjun and immediately ran out of the living room and up the stairs. Jeong-Yeon just turned around and walked past Se Hyeong and Yoo Jin, almost like they weren't there at all, walking to the kitchen where she calmly started cooking dinner.

"I guess the storm has passed," said Se Hyeong and let out a sigh, "for now at least."

"Don't worry so much, dad," said Yoo Jin and patted her father on his shoulder, "as you saw, Yeonjun knows well how to stand up for himself."

"You're right," said Se Hyeong with a smile, "he definitely doesn't get it from me." Yoo Jin let out a quiet laughter.

"He must get his stubbornness from mom," said Yoo Jin, "and his good heart from you."

"Okay, what are you up to, trying to flatter me like that," said Se Hyeong with a raised eyebrow, making Yoo Jin laugh again.

"Nothing," replied Yoo Jin, "I'm going upstairs, call me if you need anything."

"I will." Yoo Jin sent her father one last smile, before she turned around and disappeared upstairs.

Yeonjun was sitting in his room, head bend over his table while trying hard to focus on his homework.

"Knock, knock," said Yoo Jin while opening the door slightly, sticking her head in with a huge, and also creepy, smile on her face. Yeonjun looked at his sister, who in this moment was nothing else but a floating head, a sight making him chuckle before he said:

"What is it?"

"Can I come in?" asked the floating head and Yeonjun nodded happily. Yoo Jin then opened the door completely and took a step inside, quietly closing the door behind her. Without a word, she walked slowly towards her brother, until she was standing right behind him and she put both her hands on his shoulders, massaging them firmly.

"You did well, little brother," said Yoo Jin and Yeonjun turned around and looked up at her, "I'm happy you stood up for yourself like that."

"Really?" asked Yeonjun, "you don't think it's reckless of me, wanting to become an idol?"

"Well, it might be difficult, but I'm still happy you have found your dream and are pursuing it," said Yoo Jin and walked over to the backwall, leaning against it as she continued, "besides, I am living proof that getting a good, long education won't guarantee you a great life, if you can't get a job afterwards." Yeonjun looked at Yoo Jin and noticed the fallen expression in her eyes and his heart dropped as he looked at her.

"Don't worry, Noona," said Yeonjun, "you will get a job, didn't you go to a job interview today?"

"I did..." said Yoo Jin while diverting her eyes, "it... didn't go very well."

"Oh," said Yeonjun, a little dejected but soon after continued, "but what about that place you went to last week? The one where Taehyun gave you a lift."

"He told you about that?" said Yoo Jin and laughed, remembering the strange episode in her mind, "I got a reponse from them yesterday... it was a rejection." It got quiet in the small room while Yeonjun thought about how to respond, but in the end, all he could give her was a reassuring smile while he said:

"It will work out somehow, Noona. Just, be patient."

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you are doing well and are happy and healthy.

What do you think of the story so far? What do you think will happen later on? Do you think Yoo Jin will be able to find a job soon? Do you think Yeonjun will be accepted into an entertainment company? Let me know in the comments down below.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.

Love, Annalise~

Esrah - Dec 23 2020
I like the story so far. What I really appreciate is showing how hard the rral life is and that it doesn't always go as planed. I hope she finds a job soon, I can understand how it feels to stay at home for a long time and do nothing special. It can get to ones head.
Annalise - Dec 23 2020
I am really happy you are still interested in the story. I have a friend who has been in the same situation as Yoo Jin, not being able to find a job, so seeing his struggles probably inspired this story a lot! Thank you for reading and commenting, it makes my day!
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