Chapter 6

"Out of tune"

Yoo Jin tried her best to block out all the noise, looking out of the window, but it was difficult as the sound of people talking, were continuously competing with the noise of the bus's engine. The further away they got, the more cars she saw and the louder the noise became. Even though it hadn't been more than a month since she moved back home, she never realized how much she missed the big city, always so full of life, always moving forward, unlike her own life.

"See, I told you she would be mad." Yoo Jin turned her head around when she heard the voice of her younger brother. He just sent her a glare from the opposite seat, while Taehyun sat next to him with an awkward smile on his face.

"She's not mad," said Eric, who was sitting across from the boys, next to Chaeyeong, "she's just reminiscing about old times."

"It's like you see right through me," said Yoo Jin in the most monotone voice while looking at Eric, "but I have to admit, I wasn't a big fan of bringing the kids along with us today."

"We're not kids," argued Yeonjun, but Yoo Jin just glared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't care how old you are, you will always be 12 years old in my head."

"Alright people, let's not argue," said Eric and tried to get everyone to calm down, "today is all about having fun."

"That was the plan," said Yoo Jin, "until you decided to invite my brother and his magical friend."

"You make it sound like I'm not real," said Taehyun and Yoo Jin looked at him in surprise, this being the first time he had spoken today. 

"That's not... I didn't... ugh never mind!" said Yoo Jin, too tired to start an argument.

"I'm sorry Yoo Jin, but I needed to be with some guys today, or I was afraid I would turn into a girl myself at this point," said Eric and looked at Yoo Jin.

"Yeah yeah," replied Yoo Jin and decided to drop the topic. 

While Eric and Chaeyeong started a conversation, Yoo Jin let her eyes fall upon Taehyun who was leaning against the window, completely ignoring everyone else's presence. When she thought back, since yesterday he hadn't said much, he hadn't even tried to show them any magic tricks or tried to make them laugh. 

Yeonjun was behaving like usual, he didn't seem to notice this sudden change of behaviour from his friend, or maybe he did notice, but simply didn't want to call him out on it in front of everyone.

"This is our stop," said Eric and got up after pressing the "STOP" button on the bus. After the bus came to a halt and the small group started making their way out, Yoo Jin stayed back for a second.

"Taehyun," whispered Yoo Jin and watched as Taehyun's eyes shot up in surprise.

"Yes?" asked Taehyun and wondered why she suddenly spoke to him in such a formal tone.

"Are you... okay?" Taehyun looked at her in silence while trying to walk towards the exit of the bus.

"Of course... why wouldn't I be?" said Taehyun and Yoo Jin was about to give a follow up, until she realized the rest was already way ahead of them.

"Noona, don't worry about me," said Taehyun while looking into Yoo Jin's eyes, "just enjoy the day with your friends. I won't get in your way."

"No, that's not-" Before Yoo Jin could finish her sentence, Taehyun had run ahead of her and caught up to Yeonjun and the rest.

What is up with him today? Thought Yoo Jin as she sped up her pace until she was next to Chaeyeong and Eric.

Before long they reached the small karaoke bar and the memories of all those late nights with Eric and Chaeyeong suddenly came rushing back to Yoo Jin. Without realizing, her heart started beating faster and she felt all pumped up.

"What are we drinking?" asked Eric, who was standing at the counter, booking a room and ordering supply.

"We can't really drink alcohol... can we?" asked Chaeyeong and slowly glanced at the two boys.

"I turned 18 already,"  said Yeonjun quickly, making everyone change their viewpoint to Taehyun.

"I... am still 17," said Taehyun and diverted his eyes, "but it's okay, you guys can drink."

"I'm not really in the mood for alcohol, so I'll have a soda with Taehyun," said Yeonjun and wrapped his arm around Taehyun.

"Maybe we should also-" started Chaeyeong, but she was immediately interrupted by Yoo Jin.

"No way, nuh-uh," said Yoo Jin dramatically, "just because Eric forced two kids to join us, doesn't mean we can't enjoy some alcohol. Eric, order the usual for us three." Eric looked at Yoo Jin in silence and then at Chaeyeong, trying to communicate through eye contact alone, but when he felt Yoo Jin's eyes dig holes in his soul, he turned around and ordered alcohol for the three of them.

And a cold drink really did something to Yoo Jin's mood. All of a sudden, it was no problem at all, that her brother was there. No, in fact, she couldn't stop blabbering on about how much she loved her younger brother, how much she loved every single person in the room.

"She only had one drink, right?" asked Yeonjun and looked at Eric.

"She's a light drinker, to put it mildly," explained Eric and turned his head towards Taehyun, "I'm sorry if we're making you uncomfortable."

"Just because I haven't turned 18 yet, doesn't mean I'm a kid," said Taehyun while looking directly at Eric, whereafter he quickly diverted his eyes. Not really knowing what to make of the statement or how to respond, Eric decided to turn his attention elsewhere.

"We should sing," said Eric and everyone turned their eyes to him, "who wants to start?"

"Me!" yelled Yoo Jin, without realized how loud she was, "and you."

"And me?" asked Eric and laughed.

"Yes, me and you," repeated Yoo Jin and winked.

"Oh boy..." said Chaeyeong and let out a sigh, "it has begun!"

"What?" asked Yeonjun, "are they that bad?"

"Eric? No... Eric sounds like he could be a professional singer," said Chaeyeong, "Yoo Jin on the other hand..."

"Shh, less talking, more singing!" said Yoo Jin and interrupted Chaeyeong, "Eric, you know what song."

"Of course I do," said Eric and walked over to put on the song.

The soft melody of what would soon reveal itself to be a power ballad began, and Eric started out by singing verse 1. Everyone looked at him in awe as he sang every word like he felt it himself. Even though Chaeyeong had heard him sing so many times before, she always felt starstrucked when she heard him, as if he was a real celebrity, standing in front of her. 

"Wow, he's really good," whispered Yeonjun to Taehyun who had been holding his breath for almost a minute.

"Mm..." was all he said in response, watching Eric with a heavy heart.

But then, the first verse came to an end, the pre-chorus began and Eric drew back, letting Yoo Jin enter the spotlight. She took in a deep breath and then, with all the power of her lungs, she sang from the bottom of her heart. 

Yeonjun and Taehyun widened their eyes in shock when they heard the high pitched, out of tune voice coming out of Yoo Jin. With no doubt was she giving it her all, which only made it even more incredible how she was able to not even hit a single tone right during the whole pre-chorus. 

In shock of what they were experiencing, Yeonjun and Taehyun looked to their right where Chaeyeong was cracking up. She wasn't even trying to hide her laughter and when they looked at Yoo Jin, it didn't seem like she cared at all. 

As they entered the chorus, Eric popped back in with Yoo Jin, something you would've thought would save everyone's ears. But the combination of Eric's soft and beautiful voice, together with the high pitched, weird voice from Yoo Jin, only made everything even more laughable, and at this point, the boys couldn't hold themselves back either. They laughed and laughed, and they didn't stop until the song was over, giving a big applause for the most entertaining performance they had ever seen.

"Alright, who's next," said Yoo Jin and looked around, "how about... our magical boy? Maybe he also has a magical voice."

"Oh no, I-"

"Yes Taehyun, do it!" said Yeonjun, "he sings really well!"

"Yeonjun, no," said Taehyun a little annoyed.

"Come on, magic boy," said Yoo Jin, "are you seriously nervous about singing, even after seeing my performance?" Taehyun looked at Yoo Jin without knowing how to respond to that.

"You weren't that bad."

"Yes I was," said Yoo Jin and walked closer to Taehyun, "I know exactly how horrible I sound, but that's not what this is about, this is all about having fun." Yoo Jin stared at Taehyun while holding the microphone right in front of his face and Taehyun soon after let out a sigh, finally grabbing the microphone.

"Alright, Yeonjun, are we going to do this or what?"

"What?" said Yeonjun surprised, "she only asked you."

"If I have to sing, then so do you," said Taehyun and this time, it was Yeonjun who let out a sigh.

"Alright alright, I'll sing too."

"Yoo Jin," whispered Chaeyeong while the boys were busy looking through the song list, "is your brother as bad as you?" Yoo Jin laughed before she replied:

"Let's hope he isn't."

When the song started, everyone was holding their breath in excitement for what was to come, but it didn't take long, before they all let out a sigh of relief when the boys started singing.

The song was more of an upbeat pop song, than the balled Eric and Yoo Jin had chosen. Everything about it screamed youth, and the same did the boys voices. Taehyun started with the first verse, enchanting everyone with his voice. He sang in a high voice, but it wasn't out of tune like Yoo Jin, it was soft and sweet and he hit every note right on point.

Yeonjun too had a soft voice, but in a deeper register than Taehyun. He seemed to have this kind of edge in his voice when he sang, a kind of sassiness. And the sassiness only became more evident when they reached the second verse and Yeonjun started rapping the words, leaving everyone in the room shocked. 

Once the song was over, Yoo Jin, Chaeyeong and Eric all stood up from their seat and gave a huge applause, leaving the two boys flustered, not really knowing what to do of themselves.

"That was amazing, why did you never tell me how good a singer you are?" asked Yoo Jin her brother.

"And a rapper too," said Chaeyeong.

"Yes exactly," continued Yoo Jin.

"I don't know..." said Yeonjun, "we didn't really talk much when you were in Uni."

"That's true," said Yoo Jin, "but really, well done!"


"You did really well too," said Eric and looked at Taehyun.

"Thank you... although I wasn't nearly as good as you," replied Taehyun.

"I don't know about that, I think you were amazing," said Eric, "besides, what's the use of comparing oneself to another? You're good in your own way."

"Yeah... maybe," said Taehyun and sat down on the couch.

"You did well, magic boy," said Yoo Jin and sent Taehyun a wink, making both his cheeks turn into a bright red color.

"Thanks..." said Taehyun while looking away.

"Alright everyone, the night has just begun!" continued Yoo Jin, "let's have fun!"

And so they did. For hours they continued singing, pairing up with each other to sing all kinds of songs. But the most fun they had would always be whenever Yoo Jin was on stage. Whenever she tried to hit a really high note, or tried sounding really emotional, everyone would laugh until their stomachs hurt.

Even Taehyun couldn't stop himself from laughing when he saw Yoo Jin doing her best and even still, failing time and time again. But his laughter always stopped whenever she stopped singing and Eric would start teasing her. He couldn't take his eyes off them, how close they were sitting, how comfortable they spoke to each other, how long they would hold the eye contact. The rage grew bigger with every time he saw them together and unconsciously, he started avoiding Eric whenever he tried to talk to him. It was just becoming too much, how could they just sit like that and act so close, without thinking about how uncomfortable it made other people?

"So, Taehyun," said Eric and brought Taehyun out of his daze, "do you want to sing a song with me?"

"No!" said Taehyun annoyed and everyone looked at him in confusion, making him realize how hard he had spoken, "I mean... I need to get some air... I'll be right back."

Before anyone could ask further questions, Taehyun left the room and walked out of the building, letting the cool evening summer breeze help clear his mind.

He didn't know for how long he had been standing outside, just breathing in and breathing out, when suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" asked Eric in a soft smile on his face.

"I... I'm fine..." said Taehyun and drew back, "I just... needed some air."

"Alright, that's fine," said Eric, "but... I have kind of been feeling like you're avoiding me." Taehyun looked at Eric with widened eyes.

"Why... why would you think that?" Eric shrugged his shoulders.

"Just a feeling," said Eric, "but, if I did or said something to upset you, you can tell me." Taehyun looked at Eric for a little while, holding his breath while all sorts of thoughts ran through his mind.

"No, it's okay," said Taehyun, "it's nothing... just go inside... I'll be right there in a minute."

"Are you sure?" Taehyun nodded his head and Eric then did the same, "alright, I'll see you inside then." Eric turned around and took a step closer to the door, while Taehyun suddenly felt his heart beating faster.

"Actually!" said Taehyun, just as Eric was about to reach the entrance, "I do... have one question..."

"Yeah?" said Eric, who had turned around and again faced towards Taehyun, "what is it?"

"Are you... Are you and Yoo Jin Noona..." stuttered Taehyun while Eric was trying to decode what he was saying, "ARE YOU DATING YOO JIN NOONA?" Eric looked startled by the sudden raise in Taehyun's voice, but once he came to, he just looked at Taehyun before he burst out laughing.

"What? What's so funny?" said Taehyun while Eric continued laughing.

"You," said Eric in between his laughs, "so that's why you have been looking at me all night like you want to kill me." Taehyun just stared at Eric, waiting for him to finally answer his question.

"No, I'm not dating Yoo Jin," said Eric and watched as Taehyun's face got filled with relief, "actually, you know that other girl, Chaeyeong."

"Are you dating her?" asked Taehyun and Eric couldn't help but start laughing again.

"You really do jump to conclusions to fast," said Eric, "no I'm not dating Chaeyeong either... but I want to."

"Really?" said Taehyun while diverting his eyes, trying to hide his happiness. He looked up and was surprised when he saw Eric standing even closer to him, looking directly into his eyes.

"So, you have a crush on Yoo Jin?" asked Eric, still not breaking eye contact. This time it was Taehyun's turn to burst out laughing, but the awkwardness and nervousness was all too evident in his voice, making Eric raise and eyebrow.

"Me? Having a crush on Yoo Jin Noona? That's crazy!" said Taehyun while looking away, "I mean... she's... a grown up... that would never work."

"So it's true, you really do have a crush on her," continued Eric, "you're cute, you know that?"

"See, that right there, that's the reason it will never work!" said Taehyun annoyed and Eric looked baffled.

"What? What did I do?"

"To Yoo Jin Noona I will always just be 'cute', a 'kid', not someone she can look at as a 'man'," said Taehyun and Eric looked at him with a serious expression on his face.

"You said you're 17, right?" Taehyun nodded, "well, 8 years is a huge age gab, and all the guys Yoo Jin dated in Uni were all older than her."

"Noona dated in Uni?" Once again, Eric looked at Taehyun with a raised eyebrow and Taehyun laughed nervously.

"I mean... of course she dated..." said Taehyun, "she's 25, it makes sense she has dated before... I really don't have a chance."

"Don't say that!" said Eric and laid his hand on Taehyun's shoulder, "you have to believe in yourself a little more! Otherwise you won't get anywhere."

"But how am I supposed to win her over? I mean... she looks at me like I'm a little boy," said Taehyun.

"I will help you," said Eric.


"Yes, I will help you," said Eric, "I have known Yoo Jin for 5 years, I have met every guy she has ever dated, I am pretty confident I can give you a few good tips on how to win her heart."

"Are you being serious?" asked Taehyun, who was starting to worry if he was messing with him.

"Of course I'm serious," said Eric and took out his phone, "what are you doing? Take out your phone so we can exchange numbers."

"Oh... okay..." said Taehyun and started fidgeting to find his phone.

"There, now promise to call me, I really want to help," said Eric.

"I... I don't know what to say..."

"Don't say anything, let's just go back before the others start worrying." Taehyun nodded and followed Eric back to the room where Yoo Jin had just finished a song with her brother.

"There you are, what happened to you?" asked Yoo Jin when the two entered.

"Oh nothing much," said Eric and looked at Taehyun, "me and my new buddy just needed to discuss something."

"It sounds like you two have created an alliance or something like that," said Yoo Jin.

"Yeah..." said Taehyun and looked at Yoo Jin before shifting his eyes to Eric again, "something like that..."

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay warm and eat healthy and take care of yourself. Stay safe.

Also, don't forget to leave a comment down below.

Love, Annalise~

Esrah - Dec 23 2020
Wow I love that last part so much. I wouldn't have thought Taehyun would actually open up about his feelings to Erik, so that was surprising! Let's see what they plan on doing.
Annalise - Dec 23 2020
Really? I'm so happy to hear you loved it! I guess Taehyun just couldn't keep his feelings bottled up inside him anymore. I hope you will enjoy the development between Taehyun and Eric!
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