Chapter 3


As Taehyun held his phone against his ear and listened to the repeating sound of ringing, he laid on his bed, stretching out his entire body.

"Hello," Taehyun heard Yeonjun speak on the phone and Taehyun immediately sat up on bed.

"Yeonjun, what are you doing?" asked Taehyun while waiting in anticipation.

"Not much," said Yeonjun, "but I can't hang out."

"Oh really?" said Taehyun, the disappointment evident in his voice.

"Sorry, I do want to," said Yeonjun, "but my mom is still in my face about studying all the time. I think she needs a little time to calm down. When she does, I'll call you over right away."

"Fine, I'll try to keep myself entertained until then," said Taehyun.

"You could study too, you know," said Yeonjun and it suddenly became really quiet on the line.

"Maybe later..." said Taehyun after some time and Yeonjun just let out a chuckle.

"That's what I thought," said Yeonjun, "anyways, I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, bye," said Taehyun and hung up the phone. 

He let out a sigh, put down his phone next to him and then threw himself on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. As white an empty as the ceiling was, the same was his heart and mind as he had no clue of what to do with all that time. He started wondering what his friends where doing. 

Did Kai arrive in the US safe and sound? Was he having fun with his family? Was Soobin working hard at his dad's company? Did he get along with his colleagues? How was Beomgyu doing at his part time job? Was he saving up a lot of money?

How was Taehyun doing? How long had he been looking at that empty ceiling by now? Wondering what he would do with his life.

While feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline enter his body, Taehyun jumped out of bed and took in a deep breath.

No point in lying around here all day, Taehyun thought to himself as he started going through his drawers until he found a large black sketchbook, he pulled out of the drawer. He reached for his backpack which was lying under his desk and he put in the sketchbook, along with some pens and pencils. Then, with his phone in his pocket and his backpack over his shoulder, Taehyun walked out of his room and down the stairs.

"Mom, I'm going out," yelled he out loud while running towards the door.

"Alright, I'll see you later," yelled Dan back, although it sounded more like a whisper when it was coming from the other end of the house.

The sun was high in the sky when Taehyun stepped outside and almost no cloud was visible, making for a bright blue canvas. With a smile on his face, Taehyun started walking down the narrow street, being hit by the smell of fresh sea water and fish everytime the wind blew in his direction. Without thinking about it, Taehyun walked in that direction, until he reached the dock where people were as lively as ever. 

"Good morning," said every person who passed him by.

"Good morning," greeted Taehyun every last one of them.

He couldn't say he knew the name of every person in the neighbourhood, he didn't know their story, their personality or family. But in some way, he still knew them. He knew the men who were always selling fish by the dock. He knew the young boys who worked along with them, cleaning the fish before putting them on the counter. He knew the old man who always went for a walk along the dock and spoke to every salesman on his way, but he never bought anything. He knew the young woman who always walked around with 5 dogs, trying her best to control them. He would be able to pick out every single on them in a line up, and if one day, one of them weren't following their schedule, he would probably even worry about them.

After reaching a part of the dock where less people were around and it felt less crowded, Taehyun sat down on a bench, his eyes facing the ocean. He wondered what it was like to sail the seas, what was beyond that horizon?

He remembered a time when he was younger where he had asked his dad, why he didn't become a fisherman. Se Hun just laughed and said he got too seasick, so he decided to open a bakery instead. At that age Taehyun didn't understand, he was only busy feeling sad because his dad didn't have a boat like most of the other kids' parents did, but as Taehyun grew older, he found out he had the same genes as his father and he too, couldn't stand being on a boat without feeling seasick.

After a little while, Taehyun opened up his backpack and took out the sketchbook. He browsed through the pages which were already filled with drawings and doodles, until he reached an empty page. While looking at the ships along the dock, and with the blue sky in the background, Taehyun began drawing what would become a beautiful sketch. 

With as much detail as possible, did he draw every ship he had room for on the page. And on the front of them, he wrote the names of the ships. Most of them had Korean names like; Ji Eun, Bo Ra and Yoon Ah, but there were also a handful of boats with foreign names like Amalia or Victoria, but common to them all, each one of them were a woman's name. 

Taehyun's mind started wandering; if his dad didn't feel seasick, if he had a boat like the other dads, would Taehyun grow up to be a fisherman too? And if he did, what would he name his boat? Would it simply be a pretty name, or would it be the name of someone he felt affection towards?

Maybe someone with a cool and laid back personality, someone who was a little clumsy, but never let it affect her, enough to make her give up. Someone whose eyes seemed like they had lived an entire lifetime, although they were only 25 years old. Someone who would barge in on her younger brother and his friend even though she had just rolled out of bed. 

Someone who, in his eyes, was pretty.

Taehyun suddenly came back to reality and looked down to find a half finished sketch of the outline of a face. He chuckled to himself as he thought; she really is pretty, and he then continued the drawing. 

The hours passed by fast and Taehyun didn't realize how long he had been sitting on the bench, until his hands started hurting and cramping from all the drawing.

Maybe I should call it a day, thought Taehyun as he closed his sketchbook and put it in his bag. 

While walking back, he looked at the many store fronts which included bars, bakeries and cafés. As he looked inside, he suddenly took notice of a familiar face behind the counter of one of the cafés, and without hesitation he walked inside.


"Beomgyu!" exclaimed Taehyun when he got eye contact with his friend, and Beomgyu quickly sent a smile back at him.

"Taehyun, it's good to see you," said Beomgyu. 

"Same to you," said Taehyun, "I didn't know this was the place you got a part time job, if I did, I would've stopped by faster."

"No it's okay, I've been busy getting into the job until now," said Beomgyu and Taehyun nodded understandingly. 

"But you like it?" asked Taehyun.

"It was very difficult at first, but now I've started enjoying it," said Beomgyu, "can I get you anything? If my boss sees me talking to you like this, he'll probably scold me."

"Ah, yes of course!" said Taehyun and lifted his face to read the menu over the counter, "I guess I'll have an Ice tea, it's so warm outside today."

"One ice tea coming right up!" said Beomgyu and started working behind the counter. Taehyun looked around in the small and empty café. He sure hoped there were more customers at other points of the day, because at this rate, it would be forced to close down any day now.

After sitting down on one of the chairs, Beomgyu walked over and placed the Ice tea in front of him, whereafter he sat down on the chair across from him.

"I guess I can sit here for 5 minutes, as long as no other customer is here," said Beomgyu, "so what have you been up to?"

"Hanging out with Yeonjun, mostly," said Taehyun, "but last week I got thrown out by his mother, I'm pretty sure Mrs. Han thinks I'm a bad influence on Yeonjun, so I haven't visited him since."

"Well, Mrs. Han can be a little scary sometimes," said Beomgyu, "although I find her nowhere near as scary as my own mother."

"I don't think your mom is scary," said Taehyun and took a sip of his ice tea.

"Just try being alone with her," said Beomgyu, "you really don't know how lucky you are, to have such calm parents."

"Me?" said Taehyun, "I guess they are calm, is that not normal?" Beomgyu just laughed and got up from his chair.

"I wish," said Beomgyu, "anyway, I have to get back to work, enjoy your ice tea."

"Thanks," said Taehyun. 

After finishing his drink, Taehyun got up from his seat and waved goodbye to Beomgyu, before walking out of the café. Even though it was late afternoon, the sun was still shining brightly, but the wind had started becoming colder and Taehyun walked in a fast pace towards his house. 

As he reached his house, he looked through the windows of the bakery and saw his father sitting down behind the counter with his chin resting on it.

"Hey dad," said Taehyun as he walked inside the store, but only a grunt came back as a reply, "no customers today?"

"Is it that obvious?" spoke the floating head above the counter.

"Don't take it too the heart," said Taehyun, "I just went to a café down the dock and they had no customers either. Maybe it's just a slow day."

"Really?" asked Se Hun, suddenly sitting up straight.

"I think so," said Taehyun, "what's mom up to?"

"She's been painting all day," said Se Hun, "but it's getting late, so I think she'll wrap it up for today, so we can make dinner."

"I'll go greet her then," said Taehyun, "don't mooch around the shop, it'll scare away the customers."

"I don't think anyone will come today," said Se Hun, "I might as well close up for today."

"Alright, I'll see you upstairs then."

Taehyun opened the backdoor at the bakery and walked up the stairs to their private residence.

"Mom?" yelled Taehyun.

"I'm in my studio," came the response and Taehyun opened the door to find his mother sitting on her usual stool, spots of paint all over her body and clothes, but with a big smile on her face.

"Taehyun, welcome back," said Dan and put down her brush, "are you hungry? I was just about to call it a day."

"A little, but no rush," said Taehyun as he walked towards his mother and gave her a small peck on her cheek, trying to avoid the places with small droplets of paint.

"Is it done?" asked Taehyun while looking at the painting in front of them.

"I'm not sure, I keep telling myself it's done, but then the next day, I change it up again," said Dan.

"I know that feeling," said Taehyun.

"How's your artwork coming along? Do you have time to get some drawings done?"

"I did some sketches today, and I think they came out alright," said Taehyun and pulled out his sketchbook.

"You're right, they're really good," said Dan while browsing through the pages and Taehyun felt a warm sensation fill his stomach, until his mom turned another page and the last sketch he did became visible.

"No!" said Taehyun and grabbed the book before Dan could get a good look at the drawing, "it's... not done yet..."

"Taehyun, are you keeping secrets from me?" asked Dan with a raised eyebrow.

"Mom, I'm 17, it would be weird if I didn't," said Taehyun and walked towards the door, "I'll be in my room, call me when it's time to eat." Taehyun had almost left the studio when he suddenly turned around and looked at his mother who had turned her back on him again.

"Mom," said Taehyun and Dan immediately turned around, "are you and dad disappointed in me?"

"No, why would you think we are?" asked Dan confused.

"I don't know... because I don't have a dream. I don't have a goal... I don't have anything that drives me. I mean I don't get good grades in school and... I even failed math" explained Taehyun and looked at his mother who just had a kind expression in her eyes.

"Son, of course your father and I wants you to find the path that's right for you. We want you to be happy," said Dan, "but until you find something to work towards, all I care about is whether you grow up to be a good and kind person. That's something you've already achieved, so in fact, I couldn't be more proud of you." Taehyun looked at his mom as he remembered Beomgyu's words from earlier.

"Thank you," said Taehyun, "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, son," said Dan as Taehyun left the room.

After closing the door behind him, Taehyun sat down at his desk and opened his sketchbook. 

Just a few alternations, thought Taehyun and grabbed a pencil, although he knew he would never be able to capture her true beauty with the amount of skills he had.

But he still gave it his best shot and the more he drew, the more clearly he could see her face inside his head. So clear he didn't even hear his father open the door.

"Taehyun, can you help me set the table?"

"Gee dad! Why are you sneaking up on me like that?" said Taehyun and closed the book immediately.

"I knocked on your door first, didn't you hear me?"

"No," said Taehyun, "anyways, I'll be down in a minute, so you can just go ahead." 

Se Hun closed the door to Taehyun's room and walked towards the kitchen where Dan was busy preparing dinner.

"You were right," said Se Hun as he neared his wife, "something is definitely up with our son."

"I knew it!" exclaimed Dan, "you know what I think? I think our little boy is having a crush on someone. I didn't see much, but it looked like the sketch was of some girl."

"Really? Our boy is all grown up I guess," said Se Hun, "Let's just hope his first love doesn't end in a heartbreak."

"Well, my first love worked out pretty well," said Dan and winked at her husband who just let out a laugh while moving closer to his wife.

"I guess miracles do happen," said Se Hun and leaned in to place a kiss on Dan's lips.

"Mom, dad, seriously." Se Hun and Dan both turned around to find their son standing before them with grossed out expression on his face.

"Don't be such a child, be happy your parents still love each other like they did when they first started going out."

"Yeah yeah," said Taehyun, "I'll go set the table, you two can finish what you started."

Hello everyone!

I still remember smiling like an idiot when I first wrote this chapter. Writing about Taehyun's parents just makes me really happy, I wish all parents could be like them.

I hope you like how the story is slowly taking form and I hope you're still enjoying it.

Love, Annalise~

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