Chapter 28


While two sets of eyes stared at Yoo Jin from across the table, she felt her body tense up and she bowed her head slightly, unconsciously avoiding eye contact, until she felt Taehyun's hand on her own and a warm sensation felt her stomach, giving her the courage to straighten her back a little.

"Please eat as much as you can," said Dan with a smile and gestured towards the mountain of food standing in the middle of the table. 

"Yes… Yes thank you," stuttered Yoo Jin and was just about to reach in and fill her bowl with rice, but Taehyun beat her to it and took the bowl out of her hand.

"Let me," said Taehyun and Yoo Jin quickly leaned back, feeling the eyes of Taehyun's parents falling on her, making her cheeks blush slightly.

"Thank you, but… there really is no need," said Yoo Jin in a low voice, but Taehyun didn't stop and instead continued to fill her bowl.

"Wow, son, you really seem to be showing off," said Se Hun and winked at Taehyun, but he just rolled his eyes and then handed the bowl back to Yoo Jin, now filled with rice.

"We are really happy to have you over tonight," said Dan and sent Yoo Jin a happy smile.

"I am happy too," said Yoo Jin quickly, "I am very thankful to be invited here, it really means a lot to me."

"You don't have to be speak so formally, relax a little more," said Dan, "it is not like we don't know you, I remember when you were just a little girl."

"You… you do?" asked Yoo Jin and stopped her hand moving towards her mouth with a spoonful of rice on it.

"Don't just eat rice," interrupted Taehyun, "here, you should eat it with some side dishes too." After putting a small piece of kimchi on top of the spoon, a slight chuckle was heard from across the table, until Dan continued speaking.

"Yes, I remember you very well," she said, "we had just moved here, I was still pregnant with Taehyun at that time and we were walking around the neighborhood to get familiar. Then suddenly, while we were slowly walking down a small road, I felt someone tuck on my sleeve and when I turned around, a young girl, probably 7 or 8 years old, stood behind me and looked up at me with huge eyes."

"It turned out we had dropped our keys while we were walking," continued Se Hun, also remembering the episode vividly, "it wasn't until we got home, we realized my coat had a hole in the pocket. Dan quickly fixed it later that night."

"Wow," said Yoo Jin after hearing the story, "I don't even remember that. It is a little weird hearing about it. Especially…" Yoo Jin suddenly stopped talking and quickly lowered her head. After a while of silence, Dan decided to speak up again.

"Especially what? You can finish your sentence, no need to be shy." Yoo Jin looked up again and this time locked eyes with Dan.

"Especially… thinking about me being 8 years old when Taehyun wasn't even born yet." It quickly turned quiet at the table again and Yoo Jin wondered if she should have stayed quiet after all.

"You are right," said Dan to Yoo Jin's huge surprise, "it is weird to think about. And I can't say we weren't a little hesitant when Taehyun first told us about you. But when all comes to all, age is just a number, what is most important is that you two love each other." Yoo Jin looked at Dan with a slight smile.

"Thank you," said Yoo Jin, "both of you, for being so understanding from the beginning. I never expected you to accept me so open-heartly."

"But sweetheart, haven't you heard?" said Dan teasingly, "we are the unorthodox family of this neighborhood. We always do what is least expected, corrupting our child in the process." Yoo Jin laughed awkwardly, she had no idea Dan and Se Hun were this enlightened about what people said about them behind their back. But then again, she also knew what people said about her behind her back.

"You aren't corrupting me," said Taehyun, "people are just too old fashioned, I couldn't wish for better parents."

"What a sweet son I have," said Dan and looked at Taehyun with a smile.

Yoo Jin looked at the loving family in front of her and she suddenly felt her stomach twist and her smile dropped. Se Hun quickly noticed the change in her expression and spoke up.

"Honey, you talk too much," said Se Hun with a sigh, "Yoo Jin hasn't even had the time to eat anything yet."

"Ah yes, you are right," said Dan and held her hand over her mouth, "I will stay quiet now, please eat peacefully." Se Hun and Dan's playful personality quickly made Yoo Jin feel at ease and she continued to eat, alongside the others, in silence.

After everyone had filled their stomach to the fullest, Dan started carrying the dishes to the kitchen, and Yoo Jin quickly stood up, ready to help with whatever she could.

"Oh no, there is no need for you to help," said Dan when she saw Yoo Jin following right behind her with a couple of bowls in her hands.

"But I want to help," said Yoo Jin firmly and when Dan saw the determination in her eyes, she decided to let her help anyway.

After everyone helped carry everything to the kitchen, Yoo Jin grabbed a sponge and began washing the dishes, Dan looking at her with a sigh, shaking her head slightly.

"You should let me do this," said Dan, but Yoo Jin just shook her head in response and repeated what she said before.

"I want to help."

"Alright, if that is what you want," said Dan and grabbed a dishtowel and started drying everything.

"So, how are things with your brother?" asked Dan while both of them continued working alongside each other, "Taehyun told me he wanted to become an idol?"

"Yes, he actually signed a contract with an Entertainment Company," said Yoo Jin proudly, "he is starting as a trainee next week."

"Really? But he hasn't graduated High School yet. Will he be able to manage everything?"

"It will be tough," said Yoo Jin, "but I know my brother, he has more fighting spirit and determination than I ever had. He will be able to make it."

"You speak so fondly of your brother, you must love him a lot," said Dan and Yoo Jin turned her head to look at her.

"I do," said Yoo Jin, "although we get on each other's nerves sometimes." Dan let out a chuckle in response to Yoo Jin's last remark.

"I am surprised your parents would allow it," said Dan suddenly, surprising Yoo Jin by the sudden change in tone. Yoo Jin struggled to find the words and Dan quickly noticed, continuing to speak.

"I know where your parents stand in these kind of things, I also know they aren't happy about you dating Taehyun," explained Dan, "even if I didn't know them very well, I would have realized, seeing how they never invited Taehyun to visit, and seeing how Yeonjun always hangs out at our house now."

"I… I don't know what to say…" said Yoo Jin, but still continued anyhow, "my parents are… a bit strict…. And they weren't exactly thrilled to hear about Yeonjun's career plan. They actually forbade him to sign the contract to become a trainee, but somehow, we managed to argue our case well enough so they let him choose his own path."

"Really? Well done," said Dan, "I was never good at standing up to my parents. Even when they weren't approving my relationship with Se Hun, I couldn't say anything." Yoo Jin looked at Dan with a surprised expression, hearing her talk about her past.

"In the end I just married Se Hun in secret and when they found out, they cut me off completely." Yoo Jin turned silent and carefully continued washing the last pot before handing it to Dan.

"Wow, I had no idea you went through something like that," said Yoo Jin silently, "if I may ask… how is your relationship with your parents today?"

"Better," said Dan quickly, "but we still don't see eye to eye on every matter." Yoo Jin just nodded in response.

"But," said Dan then, "I think what you are doing is much better than what I did. And I am sure your parents will come around eventually, as long as you continue to be honest with them about your feelings."

"I don't really know…" said Yoo Jin hesitant, but Dan just looked at her with a firm expression and said:

"Don't be scared to believe a little, I am sure everything will work out eventually. It always does."

Hello everyone!

I hope you liked this short chapter. It wasn't a part of my original outline, it was more an idea that popped up while writing and I decided to go with it and write this short in-between chapter.

Did you enjoy getting to know Taehyun's parents a little more? Let me know in the comments down below.

I hope you are happy and healthy, wherever you are in the world. Remember to take good care of yourself and stay safe!

Love, Annalise~

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