Chapter 25

"Can't ask for more"

With headphones on and the sound of soothing piano music in her ears, Chaeyeong looked at the screen in front of her while her fingers were placed on the keyboard, completely still without any movements for the last 15 minutes. Remembering how her fingers used to type away without her giving a single thought to what she was doing, she was slowly getting frustrated by how long she had been staring at her screen without getting anymore work done. 

After taking in a deep breath she finally forced her fingers to start moving, but it only hit a few keys until she stopped in the middle and looked down on her fingers.

Is this the right way? Did I forget anything? Should I ask again, just to be sure?

Her thoughts wouldn't give her even a second of silence and she felt like she was at her limit. After letting out a sigh she slowly stood up and left her desk, walking to the kitchen with heavy steps.

Maybe a cup of coffee would help, she thought while looking through the cabinets, having completely forgotten which one it was.

"Here," said a female voice and Chaeyeong jumped back when a hand appeared before her eyes and opened the cabinet right above her. Chaeyeong turned around and saw her colleague, Kim Hyun Joo looking at her with a smile as she handed the cup to Chaeyeong.

"It is difficult to remember where everything is, isn't it?" asked Hyun Joo and Chaeyeong nodded while accepting the cup.

"It is… thank you for your help," said Chaeyeong and pressed the button on the coffee machine that slowly started filling up her cup.

"How is everything so far? Do you like it here?" asked Hyun Joo and Chaeyeong quickly nodded with a huge smile.

"I do, everyone are so nice to me," said Chaeyeong, "but… I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to do the work here… even if it is the same position as I had at my old workplace, everything is so different here."

"That is to be expected, you have only been working here for a month," said Hyun Joo, "don't worry so much, people will bear with you, they know it isn't easy when you start a new job."

"I guess… I still feel bad… and it is so frustrating," said Chaeyeong with a silent laugh, making Hyun Joo laugh as well.

"It is always frustrating when there is something you don't know how to do."

"Yes, especially because I don't want to continue asking my colleagues to help me, I know they are busy… I don't want to disturb them all the time."

"You worry too much," said Hyun Joo, "people might seem annoyed, but deep down, they all know this will only be temporarily until you get into the flow." Chaeyeong nodded along while listening to Hyun Joo.

"Besides, I know at least one person who would never be annoyed if you asked for help," said Hyun Joo with a smirk on her face, "Eric Nam." Chaeyeong immediately felt her cheeks heat up and she quickly turned around, hiding her face in embarrassment.

"Did anyone say my name?" Chaeyeong turned around in horror when she heard the all too familiar voice and she looked directly into Eric's eyes as he stood before her.

"Oh… hi…" said Chaeyeong and tried to calm herself down, "Hyun Joo and I were just talking about work."

"Really?" said Eric and turned around, now standing next to Chaeyeong while he looked at Hyun Joo.

"Hyun Joo, thank you for taking so good care of her," said Eric while he put his arm around Chaeyeong and gave her a little squeeze before letting her go again.

"Of course," said Hyun Joo.

"Anyway, I should get back to work, Fighting, Chaeyeong," said Hyun Joo as the last thing before she left the kitchen, leaving Eric and Chaeyeong behind.

"I… I should get back to work too…" said Chaeyeong while keeping her eyes on the ground.

"Okay, don't work too hard."


The day went on while Chaeyeong gave it her all to the assignment she had been given, but by the time most of her colleagues were about to leave, she still had her eyes plastered to the screen in front of her.

"Chaeyeong, aren't you going home?" asked Hyun Joo, who was standing alongside a few of their other colleagues.

"Yes… well… I really want to finish this tonight," said Chaeyeong, "it just takes a bit longer because I am still new to this."

"You are such a hard worker, Chaeyeong," said one of the male employees standing next to Hyun Joo, a young man Chaeyeong still had trouble remembering the name of.

"No, I am just slow, that is all," said Chaeyeong and laughed.

"Just take the compliment," said Hyun Joo and winked at her, "anyway, don't overwork yourself, we will see you tomorrow."

"Yes, get home safe, everyone." 

After watching everybody leave the office, Chaeyeong again turned her attention to the screen. She took in a deep breath and straightened her back, whereafter she started typing away, feeling a bit more in the flow than earlier in the day.

She didn't even realize how dark it had become outside, or how quiet the office was, until she decided to take a break and took of her headphones, getting enveloped by the silence. 

I guess I am the only one left, thought Chaeyeong to herself and got up from her chair, deciding it was time for yet another cup of coffee.

She looked around the small office, in some ways it reminded her a lot of her old workplace, but one specific thing was different.

The atmosphere. 

People didn't get all stiff and quiet every time the boss would pass by. Instead they sent him a smile and he sent on back, telling them to keep up the good work. Never before had Chaeyeong felt how much motivation a small compliment could give and she found herself wanting to work even harder than before.

"Oh, good evening," said Eric and pulled Chaeyeong out of her cloud of thoughts. She looked at him with widened eyes, having assumed he went home a long time ago.

"You are still here?" said Chaeyeong in a surprised voice.

"I could say the same to you, you aren't overworking yourself, are you?" asked Eric and Chaeyeong quickly shook her head.

"No, I just want to get this done tonight, I am nearing the end, but I still have at least a few hours left," explained Chaeyeong, "what about you?"

"I also had something I wanted to finish tonight, but I just finished everything," said Eric, "should I stay with you? Then you don't need to walk home alone late at night."

"Stupid," said Chaeyeong and punched Eric on his shoulder, "don't do that, just go home and relax. I can get home by myself."

"Ouch," said Eric, "is that what you get for being a gentleman?"

"Stop pouting and get moving," said Chaeyeong and took her cup of coffee back to her desk, "you are only in my way if you stay here."

"Fierce as ever," said Eric with a laugh, "but… are you sure?" Chaeyeong looked up at Eric, whose voice had turned much gentler in the last sentence and she just sent a reassuring smile.

"I am sure, just go," said Chaeyeong, "I will see you tomorrow." Eric stood for a little, but eventually nodded his head.

"Alright, I guess I will leave," said Eric, "see you tomorrow." 

With the last distraction out of her way, Chaeyeong worked harder than ever and even though her stomach was growling, crying for food, she ignored it, thinking it would be better to finish up everything before she went to get something to eat.

I will just stop by a convenience store on my way home, she thought to herself before resuming work.

The minutes passed and before she knew it, one more hour had flown away and she finally leaned back in her chair, letting out a sigh of relief, looking at the finished product on her screen.

I did it, she told herself, and faster than expected, maybe I am not that bad after all.

Her thoughts were immediately interrupted by another loud whale-like noise from her stomach.

I guess I should hurry up and close everything so I can get myself something to eat, she thought while closing down the computer, slowly packing up her things, when suddenly, she heard the sound of the main door opening.

Curious and confused, she looked up from her desk and watched as Eric entered the office with two large plastic bags in his hands.

"What… what are you…" stuttered Chaeyeong as Eric got closer.

"I figured you would be hungry by now, so I decided to pick up some Chinese takeaway," said Eric and put down the plastic bags, whereafter his eyes fell on the black screen on Chaeyeong's desk.

"Looks like I came at the right time," said Eric, "should we go eat." Chaeyeong wanted to say something, ask him why he went out of his way for her again, but when her stomach started growling once more, she just burst out laughing.

"Alright, it seems like my body is at its limit anyway."

After following Eric to one of the office's conference rooms, they both sat down at the table and started unpacking the takeaway food.

"This smells so good," said Chaeyeong and took it all in, "did you buy any spring rolls?"

"Of course," said Eric and passed a box to Chaeyeong, "how could I not? I know you love them." Chaeyeong looked at the box in front of her and felt her smile grow bigger.

"Thank you," said Chaeyeong.

"Enough with the 'thank you', let us eat."

And so they did. They ate everything Eric had brought, Chaeyeong taking credit for most of it, but Eric didn't mind. Starting a new job, getting to know everyone, worrying if you are good enough, he knew how much of a toll it could take on someone's body and he wanted Chaeyeong to be happy and healthy, more than anyone else.

"So, have you spoken to your little friend lately?" asked Chaeyeong after leaning back in the chair, full from all the food.

"Taehyun? Yes, we talk at least once or twice a week," said Eric, "he is so sweet and innocent, it makes me want to take care of him somehow."

"I still can't believe he and Yoo Jin are dating," said Chaeyeong.

"Does she talk to you about it?" asked Eric.

"No, she only spoke about it once, the time she revealed they were dating," said Chaeyeong, "since then she hasn't said a word… I don't know if she is embarrassed to talk about it."

"If she is, Taehyun can feel it," said Eric, "he is always worried he isn't good enough to be her boyfriend. If he finds out she is embarrassed to be with him, I am scared it will break his innocent heart."

"Pour thing," said Chaeyeong, "you are right, just hearing about him, makes me want to protect him."

"Don't make me jealous," said Eric and Chaeyeong suddenly felt her heart skip a beat.

"I… I didn't mean it like that…" said Chaeyeong and looked away from Eric's gaze.

"I know, I am only teasing you," said Eric and got up from his chair, "should we clean up so we can go home and get some sleep before a new day awakes?"

"Sure," said Chaeyeong and started cleaning up the boxes on her side of the table. After handing her share to Eric, her threw everything in the garbage can and when he turned around, he nearly walked into Chaeyeong, who was standing only a few centimetres away from him.

Shocked, Eric suddenly found himself at a loss for words, and before he could think of anything to say or do, Chaeyeong looked up, her cheeks showing a faint red color on them.

"Thank you…" said Chaeyeong while forcing herself to keep her eyes locked on Eric's, "I know you told me to stop saying thank you, but I really am thankful. Thankful that I could get this job and meet all these nice people. But most of all… I am just thankful that you have stayed with me through everything. You were always there… even though I never did anything to make it up to you… so… thank you."

Eric felt a little overwhelmed by the many words suddenly leaving Chaeyeong's mouth.

"Well… of course…" said Eric, "you made me all baffled with that whole speech. I wanted to make a witty remark to lighten the mood, but I can't even think of anything like that."

"That is okay, I wanted you to take me serious, because it really does mean a lot to me," said Chaeyeong, "I just wish there was something I could do to give something back."

"You could go out to dinner with me," said Eric and Chaeyeong rolled her eyes.

"I go out to dinner with you all the time, that isn't anything special," replied Chaeyeong.

"I don't know, then," said Eric and stared into the distance, looking like he was thinking hard.

"You could give me a kiss," said Eric while laughing, but when he looked down and saw Chaeyeong looking up at him with large widened eyes, not a hint of laughter, he suddenly felt his heart beating faster.

"Don't look at me like that," said Eric, "I didn't me-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Chaeyeong moved close and after getting on her tip toes, placing both her hands on Eric's chest to remain her balance, she slowly placed her lips on his. Only for a moment, a second, did they remain there and she quickly moved away again, looking shyly at the ground.

"W… Well…" said Eric after finding himself back on earth, "I didn't expect you to actually kiss me. You didn't have to do that, I know you don't want us to be together, so you don't have to force yourself just because you feel like you owe me anything."

"I!" yelled Chaeyeong but suddenly stopped, surprising herself from her loud voice, "I wasn't… forcing myself…"

"R…really?" stuttered Eric, "you didn't do it just because you feel thankful to me?" Chaeyeong shook her head.

"Then… why did you do it?" Chaeyeong looked up again, her face looking even more flustered than before.

"I… I… just felt like it…" said Chaeyeong.

"Then…" said Eric and moved closer, placing both his hands on her cheeks, "you wouldn't mind if I kissed you back?" Chaeyeong held her breath for a while, wondering what she should respond.

"I… I guess not…" said Chaeyeong and Eric's face immediately lit up. He slowly leaned in and reunited their lips, but this time, he didn't let her go just like that. He pulled her closer and kissed her again, not holding himself back as he felt her response.

"Chaeyeong," said Eric after pulling away, but still with his hands on her cheeks, "do you like me?" Chaeyeong looked directly into Eric's eyes and while her cheeks turned even redder, a small, shy nod was seen and Eric let out a chuckle.

"Did you lose your tongue?"

"No!" said Chaeyeong annoyed and looked away.

"Then why didn't you answer me?" Again, Chaeyeong looked at Eric and this time she took in a deep breath.

"I like you," said she and suddenly felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

"I… really like you…" said she and felt her smile grow wider, "I have liked you for so long, I am sorry I rejected you… I am sorry…"

"Don't be sorry… as long as I have you now, I don't care about anything else," said Eric.

"But I… I don't deserve you…"

"Nonsense," said Eric, "there is no such thing as 'deserving' another human being. Love is about giving, and I want to give you everything I have. What about you? How do you feel about me?"

"I…" said Chaeyeong, "I also want to give you… everything I have… It might not be much… but I still want to give it to you." Eric looked at Chaeyeong and felt his body turn warmer as he looked into her eyes.

"Then I can't ask for any more."

Hello everyone!

Waaaaaaah I will really never get used to writing kiss scenes. Everytime I do so, I find myself blushing and squirming while proofreading the chapter. I hope you enjoy it since I go through all that to write it?

I hope you are having a good start of the year, staying in good health and taking good care of yourself. 

Love, Annalise~ 

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