Chapter 21

"In a relationship"

Yeonjun stood in front of the door to his house, letting out a sigh before he forced himself to put on a smile and then walked inside. It was pretty quiet, only the sound of his mom cleaning up in the kitchen could be heard. He assumed his father was upstairs taking a nap, and Yoo Jin, her, he couldn't account for.

"Welcome home, Yeonjun," said Jeong-Yeon when she noticed Yeonjun walking inside the kitchen.

"Thanks, do you need help with anything?" asked Yeonjun, but his mom just shook her head in response.

"No thank you, I am much more interested in knowing how your audition went." The fake smile could be detected by any human seeing it and Yeonjun felt his stomach twist, but he was able to hold himself back.

"It went… okay…" said Yeonjun and watched his mother trying to look interested, "but the other people seemed to be on a whole other level than me. I don't know if I will get in." The fake smile suddenly turned genuine and it physically hurt Yeonjun to look at her.

"Oh dear, that is okay," said Jeong-Yeon with a huge amount of relief painted all over her face, "if it isn't meant to be, it isn't meant to be. You can just stick to the original plan and go to University."

"I guess…" said Yeonjun, still restraining himself.

While this small conversation was coming to an end, the sound of someone walking down the stairs became audible and both Yeonjun and Jeong-Yeon looked up.

"I am heading out," said Yoo Jin, who turned out to be the one making all the noise. 

"Where are you going?" yelled Jeong-Yeon as Yoo Jin had already moved on from the kitchen.

"Um… I am going out with some of my colleagues from the school," said Yoo Jin while putting on her shoes. Spring was approaching, but it was still pretty cold outside so she decided to put on her ankle boots.

"Really?" said Jeong-Yeon and stuck her head out of the kitchen, making Yoo Jin look up, "it is amazing how fast you have become close with your colleagues. You have gone out with them almost every weekend this month."

"They are all really laid back," said Yoo Jin and shrugged her shoulders.

"That is great, but now, remember to not get too attached," said Jeong-Yeon, "this job is only temporary, you need to look for something else."

"Don't worry mom, I am looking every day," answered Yoo Jin. Jeong-Yeon nodded and walked back in the kitchen. Yoo Jin turned around, just about to head outside when she felt a hand on her arm, holding her back.

"What?" asked Yoo Jin when she saw her brother behind her, "I am late."

"You are going out with Taehyun, aren't you?" Yoo Jin's eyes widened to twice the size and she immediately shushed him.

"Are you crazy? Keep your voice down," she whispered, "and how do you even know that?"

"I asked if he wanted to come over, but he said he had plans." Yoo Jin let out a sigh.

"Alright, so what if I am going out with him?" asked Yoo Jin with her arms crossed.

"So what?" said Yeonjun, clearly annoyed, "this has been going on for a long time now. It isn't even about me feeling neglected as a friend, but rather about how long you plan to lie to our parents."

"Don't put it like that… you are making me feel really guilty," said Yoo Jin.

"That was the plan," continued Yeonjun, "and this isn't just about you, you are doing it to Taehyun as well. Don't you think he feels bad about lying to his parents? You are the one making him do that."

"Don't just assume things, I am the one going out with him, so all this relationship stuff is between him and me."

"Have you asked him?"

"Asked him what?"

"If he wants to go public?" Yoo Jin turned silent, looking at her younger brother who towered over her in the hall. She never realized how much authority his voice had and how mature he could sound. Without knowing how to respond, Yoo Jin simply turned around and grabbed the door handle.

"I have to go," said Yoo Jin before she quickly left the house and also left Yeonjun behind in the hall.


With the darkness of the cinema embracing Yoo Jin and Taehyun, along with the rest of the people inside, the movie started and everyone leaned back, waiting in anticipation.

With the trailers of new movies running on the screen, Yoo Jin felt her mind wander far away from the cinema. Imagining going to a cinema in her home town, not having to meet up somewhere far away where no one could recognize them. Being able to hold his hand in public without looking over the shoulder all the time. Being able to take him home for dinner, having him meet her parents, just like any normal relationship.

Was this what he wanted?

Was this what she wanted?

"Noona, do you want so popcorn?" whispered Taehyun and leaned closer to her while holding the bowl of popcorn in front of her face. She flinched a little from the surprise, but quickly regained her senses and shook her head in response. Taehyun then sent her a smile and retracted the bowl, his eyes turning towards the screen again.

When did the movie even start? wondered Yoo Jin to herself as she looked up. She had no idea what was going on or who anyone was. 

While trying to figure out the plot, Yoo Jin felt a warm sensation against her right arm and when she turned her head, she saw Taehyun learning against her. His arm was lying next to hers on the arm rest, slowly moving towards her, until his fingers intertwined with hers, making her heart beat faster.

She turned her head again and got eye contact with him, his eyes shining in the darkness with only the lights from the screen hitting them. Their faces were close to each other, and in a short moment, Taehyun made the distance even shorter when he leaned in and placed a small peck on her cheek, quickly moving back to his spot, watching the movie like nothing happened.

Yoo Jin continued to stare at Taehyun, her heartbeat moving faster and faster with every second. So young and innocent. He definitely deserved better than this.

"That was a great movie," said Taehyun excitedly when they left the cinema and took a stroll down the city, "did you like it, Noona?"

"What?" asked Yoo Jin and looked at him in confusion, "oh the movie? It was… fine I guess…"

"It is okay if you didn't like the movie, you can tell me," said Taehyun genuinely.

"No, that is not it," said Yoo Jin, "to be honest, I can't remember much from it."

"Is something on your mind? You did seem a little absent minded inside the cinema." Yoo Jin stopped in her tracks and let go of Taehyun's hand, looking at him with a serious face.

"Taehyun, you and I are in a relationship, right?" Taehyun's cheeks turned slightly red from Yoo Jin's blunt statement.

"You sound so formal, it is making me nervous," said Taehyun and fidgeted with his hands, "think we are in a relationship, but if you don't want to call it that, we don't have to-"

"No, that is not why I am bringing it up, I also think… you and I… are in a relationship." This time it was Yoo Jin's turn to blush as she finished her sentence.

"Noona?" asked Taehyun with widened eyes, "what is this about?" Yoo Jin diverted her eyes while continuing:

"Does it bother you?"

"Does what bother me?"

"Dating… in secret… not even telling our parents…" After a while of silence, Yoo Jin looked up and watched Taehyun looking up at the sky, thinking deeply.

"It doesn't exactly 'bother' me," stated Taehyun, "but of course I would prefer if we didn't have to hide. I want to tell my parents about you, the woman I like. I want them to meet you. But what I want most of all is for you to be happy and feel at ease, and if keeping our relationship a secret makes you feel at ease, then that is okay with me." Taehyun ended his sentence with a bright smile and Yoo Jin felt her heart skip a beat and she quickly swung her arms around Taehyun, surprising him with her sudden embrace.

"Thank you," said Yoo Jin and gave Taehyun one last squeeze before letting go of him, making his flushed red cheeks visible, "let us tell our parents."

"What?" said Taehyun, still in shock.

"Let us tell our parents," repeated Yoo Jin, "I don't know about telling the whole world yet, but I don't think it is right to keep this from our parents. So let us at least come clean to them."

"Are you sure?" said Taehyun, unable to hide his happiness and Yoo Jin just laughed while nodding her head.

"Woah I am so excited! And nervous… And happy!" said Taehyun while looking like he went through every emotions in his facial expression and Yoo Jin laughed again.

"So, when do you want to tell them?" asked Yoo Jin.

"Today!" exclaimed Taehyun, "I can't wait any longer now that we already decided to tell them."

"You are right, it might be better to get it over with," said Yoo Jin, "let us tell them when we both get home. We can call each other up afterwards, making sure no one died."

"Why would anyone die?" asked Taehyun and Yoo Jin sighed deeply.

"It must be great, not to fear the judgement of your parents…" Taehyun looked at Yoo Jin's whose face was filled with worry and he felt his heart drop.

"Don't worry, Noona," said Taehyun and took Yoo Jin's hand in his, "it will be alright." Yoo Jin forced a smile and nodded.

After taking the bus back to their home town and they parted ways, Taehyun walked with firm steps towards his house. With great determination he walked inside his house and called out both his parents, sitting them down in the kitchen whereafter he took in a deep breath.

"Mom, dad… I met a woman I like," said Taehyun and looked at both of them, trying to read their reaction.

"Not just a girl, but a 'woman'?" said Se Hun with a smirk on his face, "what a respectful son I have!"

"I guess we didn't do too poorly as parents," said Dan and smiled while Taehyun looked at both of his parents in confusion.

"You are reacting very calmly," said Taehyun.

"It doesn't exactly come as a surprise," said Dan, "we have had our suspicions for some time now."

"But enough about that, who is this 'woman' and when can we meet her?" continued Se Hun and Taehyun gulped. His confidence and courage from before suddenly seemed to fade, but he quickly pulled himself together, thinking about how Yoo Jin was having the very same conversation at this moment.

"Actually… I think you already know her," said Taehyun and his parents looked surprised.

"Oh?" said Dan and waited in anticipation.

"She is Choi Se Hyeong and Han Jeong-Yeon's daughter, Choi Yoo Jin Noona." The smiles that had filled Taehyun's parents faces, suddenly started to fade when the realization hit them.

"Choi Yoo Jin? But isn't she… 25 years old?" asked Dan.

"Actually she just turned 26," said Taehyun, quickly regretting and continued, "but that is not important… What is important is… that I love her."

"Love? My son, aren't you too young to know about love?" said Se Hun, calm and gently, but at the same time in a firm voice.

"Your father is right, you are still just a boy," said Dan, "you don't even know what you want with your life yet, how can you know this woman is right for you?"

"Why are you suddenly acting so defensive?" asked Taehyun, "before I told you it was Yoo Jin Noona, you seemed so supportive."

"And we want to be supportive," said Dan, "we are just worried. You two aren't exactly what most people you find compatible."

"I think what your mom is trying to say is, it will be difficult for you to be with Yoo Jin, people will have all sorts of opinions about you two."

"That doesn't matter to me," said Taehyun in a firm voice, "I don't care about the rest of the world, as long as I have my parents' support." Se Hun and Dan looked at each other briefly until Dan spoke up again.

"Of course you have our support. If you really do love her, then your father and I will welcome her into our home."

"Thank you," said Taehyun relieved, "I think I will go upstairs and get some studying done." 

"Okay, don't overwork yourself," said Dan and Taehyun just nodded his head, already on his way to the staircase.

The closer he came to his room, the faster he walked and the second he was inside, he took out his phone, checking for any lost calls or text messages from Yoo Jin, but there was nothing. He went to their chat and left a short message, asking how it went.

The hours went by and the night approached. Taehyun was trying his best to be patient and distracting himself by studying. But when it was nearing 10 PM, he couldn't hold himself back anymore. He reached for his phone and called up Yoo Jin.

The ringing didn't even continue for more than one second before it stopped and Taehyun moved the phone away from his ear, looking at it in confusion.

Did she hang up by a mistake? thought Taehyun to himself and decided to give it another try. But this time, the phone didn't even ring. Instead a robotic voice read the message, "the caller is either out of reach or has turned their phone off." 

What is going on?

Hello everyone!

How are you? I hope you are doing well wherever you are in the world and I also hope you liked this chapter. Telling your parents that you have found a person you like is always scary, but it seemed to be even more scary for Yoo Jin.

What do you think happened? Let me know in the comments.

Take care of yourself!

Love, Annalise~

Esrah - Dec 25 2020
Knowing how Yoo Jin's mother doesn't like Taehyun, I guess it either didn't go well or she didn't tell them. I really want to know what happened. Great chapter btw :)
Annalise - Dec 25 2020
I like your theories, you seem to really know the characters by now! Thank you for reading <3
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