Chapter 15


"So, how is tutoring going?" asked Chaeyeong and made herself comfortable on the bed while holding the phone in front of her face, "you told me the young man is improving."

"He is!" replied Yoo Jin, at first with high spirits, but it quickly faltered as she continued, "he really is… improving at an alarming speed…"

"Why do you sound like that? Isn't it a good thing if he is improving?" asked Chaeyeong in confusion.

"Well yes… but…" Yoo Jin stopped talking and let out a sigh, lifting her head and stared at the ceiling before she continued, "Chaeyeong, there is something I didn't tell you."

While Chaeyeong listened carefully, Yoo Jin told her about the reward she had promised Taehyun.

"You know, I am starting to think… Taehyun might have feelings for me…" Yoo Jin looked up when she didn't hear a response from Chaeyeong and she saw her friend stared at her through the screen, with an 'are you kidding me' expression on her face.

"You are STARTING to think? Girl, it was so obvious when we visited your place this summer," said Chaeyeong and let out huff of air, "but really, that is very normal for a boy his age."

"Is it?" asked Yoo Jin and wondered if Yeonjun was the same way.

"Of course it is," said Chaeyeong, "a young boy like him will fall in love with every pretty girl he sees. It will pass, eventually."

"Ah… I see…" said Yoo Jin and nodded along. Chaeyeong looked at her suspiciously before she continued:

"I hope you aren't falling for him too."

"What?" spouted Yoo Jin immediately and started waving her free hand in front of the screen, "of course not. You know I always preferred older guys. And Taehyun isn't just a bit younger than me, he is… 8 years younger than me. Besides, he is Yeonjun's best friend."

"Yeah, it would make things a bit awkward," said Chaeyeong and both girls remained silent while simply nodding their heads in unison.

"Speaking of awkward," said Yoo Jin after a short while, "how have things been between you and Eric… I mean… after…"

"After he confessed and I rejected him?" said Chaeyeong, finishing Yoo Jin's sentence, "yeah, things are still awkward, although Eric tries his best to pretend it isn't." Yoo Jin let out a chuckle.

"I can imagine that, Eric doesn't give up easily," said Yoo Jin.

"I know, but it is weird, sometimes it feels like he is completely unaffected by the fact that I rejected him," said Chaeyeong, "he still calls me and asks me if I want to eat lunch or dinner with him, at least once a week. He never mentions anything about his confession or his feelings about me. I feel like he is just trying really hard to make me forget about how much I hate my job."

"Aww, isn't that sweet!"

"Don't you 'aww' at me! You are the one dating a 17 year old!"

"You know, I would give a comeback, but at the speed Taehyun is improving, I am starting to worry that he actually will do well enough on his exam, that I have no choice but to go on a date with him." Chaeyeong laughed quietly, making Yoo Jin frown.

"Yeah yeah, just laugh at my misery," said Yoo Jin and Chaeyeong stopped laughing.

"Oh come on, I can't imagine having a 17 year old crushing on you, is a miserable thing."

"Well… no…" said Yoo Jin, "like you said about Eric, Taehyun also always tries his best to make me smile and it does work sometimes. With his never ending magic tricks and his constant flattery, I can't help but feel encouraged."

"Well, you just enjoy yourself then," said Chaeyeong, "just not too much."

"Yeah yeah, I could say the same to you," said Yoo Jin with a raised eyebrow. 

All of a sudden, the girls' conversation got interrupted when the door to her room was spun open and a very excited, very fast young boy ran into the room.

"Noona, Noona! I got the results!" yelled Taehyun in excitement while holding the paper in front of her face.

"Um, one second," said Yoo Jin, whose eyes were still widened from the shock, "Chaeyeong, I will call you back." 

"Okay, cool," said Chaeyeong, "bye Taehyun!"

"Bye!" said Taehyun and waved at Chaeyeong, just before Yoo Jin hung up the call.

"Alright magic boy, show me the results," said Yoo Jin, feeling more pumped up now that she had had a moment to breathe. Taehyun happily handed her the paper and Yoo Jin took a look, her eyes widening as she looked at the grades.

"Magic boy, are these really your grades?" asked Yoo Jin before taking a second look.

"Of course they are!" said Taehyun, proudly lifting his nose towards the ceiling, "and it is all because I had the best teacher."

"Ah… really…?" asked Yoo Jin and felt a little nervous looking at Taehyun who was looking directly into her eyes, "but don't give me all the credit, you put in a great effort yourself. You did well, Taehyun."

"Does that mean… you will go on a date with me?" asked Taehyun, a little hesitant while diverting his eyes, for the first time in a while, looking flustered.

"D… date… ah… yes…" said Yoo Jin and diverted her eyes as well, "if… if that is really what you want… then I guess I will do it. You deserve it."

"Woohoo!" yelled Taehyun and Yoo Jin's soul nearly left her body from the shock as she saw Taehyun jump half a meter up in the air.

"When are we going? I am free this Saturday, what about you?"

"I… I am free… but… what are we doing?"

"That is a surprise! I will pick you up in the afternoon, so just be ready," said Taehyun and grabbed his exam result before walking towards the door, "then, it is a date." Taehyun looked at Yoo Jin one last time and sent her a wink before he walked out of the door and disappeared.

After staring into space for what felt like an eternity, Yoo Jin robotically grabbed her phone, and without a change of expression, she dialed up Chaeyeong on video chat.

"Hello again, so how- WOW! What happened? You looked like you have seen a ghost." Chaeyeong waited while looking at her friend whose face was completely pale, almost like a dead person.

"Chaeyeong," said Yoo Jin, finally speaking, "I am so screwed!"

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. Are you excited to read more about Yoo Jin and Taehyun, then you can look forward to the next chapter. 

Please take good care of yourself and please consider leaving a comment before moving on. 

Love, Annalise~

shi - Dec 04 2020
Hello, I am so glad to find the book, finally!! So excited for the future updates. :D
Annalise - Dec 07 2020
Hello, thank you so much for leaving a comment, it made my day! I hope you will like the upcoming chapters ^.^
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