Her Eyes Were Smiling

Last updated at: 2 years ago


She just walked in one day, hair up in a ponytail and a mask covering half her face, making her large blue eyes stand out to me even more.

During a pandemic, there really isn't much to look forward to in the everyday life anymore, at least that is how a young man working at a pizzeria felt. Business is slow and the customers can't even sit inside the restaurant. His only job at this point is to hand the take-away orders to the customers coming by to pick it up. Not really anything to get excited about, at least not until one day, a beautiful woman walks inside. With large bright blue eyes, even a mask can't cover up the smile that reaches all the way up to her eyes. It didn't take more than a second for the young man to be enchanted, and before he knew it, this young woman became the one thing a young man could look forward to in the times of a pandemic.

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